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James ll's POV:
Wait what I think to Teddy. He looks as confused as I do. "She has been here all of 6 hours. They figure that she is stable enough to go home after just that?" I ask. Uncle Moony nods looking half confused himself. "They just said that if she stays pretty much sitting/laying down she is free to leave." Uncle Draco says. "Good! I hate hospitals!" Alex says smiling. "Can I at least stand up occasionally and walk around a bit?" I look at dad who nods. "But you have to take quite a lot of medicine." Dad says smirking slightly. Alex groans and Teddy and I stifle laugh. Fred snickers and she glares at him.

A nurse walks in. "Alright miss. Lupin I am going to take off your bandages." She says. Alex nods and looks at me. I nod and help her sit up moving so I am sitting behind her so she is slightly proped up. The nurse unhooks the bandage on her left arm and as the layers fall away I can feel both Alex and Teddy tensing up. Alex takes her fathers hand who squeezes hers in a comforting way. When there are only a few layers still on her skin we see blood staining. As the nurse pulls off the last layer she winces. "What is it?" I murmer in her ear. "The blood had dried on my skin and pulled at it." She whispers back her mouth barely moving. As the last layer is moved Alex stares at her arm in shock. What was apparently a bloody, cut up, discussing mess is now smooth and only marked by faint white scars. "Wow!" Uncle Sirius breaths from next to uncle Remus. He pats Alex's shoulder and she winces then squerms out from under his hand muttering a long string of cuss words. "Sorry!" He mumbles. "Please flip onto your stomach so I can get the bandages off your back" the nurse says. Alex nods and flips over. I straighten out my legs and she places her head on my knees. The bandages are cut away this time and come off as one big sheet. Upon seeing her back all the adult men wince and the women whimper as the kids shutter. Lilly sings softly to Alex to calm her down since she is listening to all our silent reactions in her head. Alex then starts humming the tune and all the cousins pick up on it singing or humming. It ends up being Adel's set fire to the rain.

There on her back are what look like knife scars and whip lashes. The nurse runs her finger over some of the marks and Alex winces again and groans/grunts in pain. "How did you get those?" Uncle James asks. "When I was kidnapped when I was left mute emotionally." She responds. "There was a reason!" She continues rolling her eyes.

Aunt Lilly's POV:
'Want a shirt?' I think to Alex. She nods furiously and I giggle slightly. I summon one of James ll's quidditch jerseys. When it appears both Alex and James ll laugh. James looks at me and Harry raises an eyebrow. "You would have done the same for me or Ginny. Don't even try and deny it!" I say. Alex, Ginny, Dora, and Lilly ll nod with me and they all laugh. Alex grabs the shirt and slips it over her head anyways. "You Missy are going to wear pants." Remus chides his daughter. She just laughs at him. "I am already wearing shorts silly. I have boundaries that I set up myself. Also do me and Teddy a favor, since you are both a dad and a marauder don't strangle us with rules let us be teens but with a few boundaries. Got it?" She says. He nods as James and Sirius laugh.

"Moony your child is brilliant!" They yell as all her other uncles chuckle and shake their heads. "She is always like this." Harry says kissing the top of his daughters head. "You want this don't you, Alex?" Draco asks her holding up her iPod and headphones. She nods enthusiasticly. "Oh just saying since I am guessing most of you will stay at Potter Manor with the Potter/Lupin relations you need to know we are loud, slightly rambunctious, can be obnoxious, and we listen to almost any type of music." Ginny says laughing as the three boys who like in that house look offended and the two girls roll their eyes but laugh all the same. "Like what types of music?" Remus, Sirius, and James ask in unison. The rest of us look mildly interested. "Rock, punk, metal, pop, rap, punk rock, occasionally heavy metal." Alex, Teddy, and the other three children say together. Sirius's jaw drops. "No way?" He asks hoarsly "you listen to punk rock and heavy metal? But you and Lilly ll are so sweet and innocent!" He says to Alex.

"Don't you dare take away Green Day, MCR, Panic at the Disco, and Rage Against the Machine!" The girls yell in unison looking slightly murderous. James looks like all his wishes have come true and Remus looks proud. Sirius drops on his knees and bows down to the basic sisters. "I love you two!" He shouts. "We know! Everyone does!" They smirk flipping their hair back over their shoulders. James ll shakes his head and kisses Alex's cheek. Lilly ll and Alex then sing boulevard of broken dreams making Sirius, James l, James ll, and all the other men for that matter dance like idiots. The rest of us join in singing. We just have fun until Alex stands up and we apparate back to Potter Manor. Their in the living room we continue our mini party.

The Past Can Be Very Frightening (third generation harry potter)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant