1975 Explanations

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Teddy's POV:
Petagrew stands up suddenly and leaves the compartment and all of us from the past relax. "What is going in with you guys?" James l asks looking at us curiously. I glance at Alex and she looks to uncle Harry sending him a question through her mind. He nods and Alex nods at me replaying the question and his answer for me. "We are going to tell you a story of the future and I think this is why we were sent back again." Alex says. She looks at me and I start it.

"On July 31, 1980 a boy named Harry James Potter was born to James Potter and Lilly Potter ne. Evans. Lord Voldemort heard half of a proficy about a boy born in July and thought it ment Harry. On Halloween night 1981 he was disclosed the secret location of the Potter's by their secret keeper who was a spy for the dark side." I say then look to James ll. He nods and picks up the story. "Both James and Lilly were murdered and their good friend Sirius Black was suposidly the secret keeper but he wasn't and he went looking for the real secret keeper. Sirius found him the next day on the street and the secret keeper shouted for the entire street to hear 'Lilly and James Sirius? How could you?'. The secret keeper had his wand hidden behind his back and blew up the street as Sirius whipped out his own wand. He then cut off his finger and shifted into his animagus form and ran for his life." Hugo then takes over. "Sirius doesn't know what to do, so he being the strange person he is laughs. The ministry arrives and they cart him off to Azkaban. The really secret keeper is found in a garden and kept as a pet for 12 years. Latter the ministry tries to identify the people killed in the blast and found that 13 muggles died and 2 wizards. The two wizards families are given the Order of Merlin 1st class as a grieving present. But in reality only one wizard died." Then Alex picks up the story. "The wizard actually killed was James's sister Alexa. Sirius escaped Azkaban after being there for 12 years after seeing a picture in the daily profit about the Weasley family going to Egypt and the real secret keeper was sitting on Ron's shoulder in the picture. He went to Hogwarts but Harry thought he escaped to kill him and his 'sister' (she was adopted). They all met in the shreaking shack with my father and Hermione. The real secret keeper escapes when my father changes into a werewolf and Sirius goes on the run." Harry(o) then starts talking. "The next year the secret keeper revives voldimort and he tries again to kill me. That summer I go to Grimauld place and live with Sirius and the revived Order. At the end of that school year though Sirius is killed by his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange and I lost my godfather. Finnaly in the battle of Hogwarts Remus is killed by Antonio Dolohov. The secret keeper was in my debt because I didn't let Remus and Sirius kill him. So when I was trapen in the basement of Malfoy Manor I disarmed him and his artificial hand closed on his throaght killing him. The Marauders are all dead before I become a full wizard free of school."

The marauders look agahst as we finish the story. "W-who was the spy?" Remus asks even though Alex plays his thoughts for me and he thinks he knows. "The spy is and was Peter Petagrew." I say as Alex asses their reactions. Sirius and James l explode. Remus grinds his teeth together and scowls. "We are here because we are supposed to save all the people who did in the wars." Alex says. "Did we go out fighting?" James l asks her. She shakes her head. "James l you had no wand on you, Sirius you were attacked from behind, and Remus you were thrown out of a 7th story window at Hogwarts. You were dead before you hit the ground." She says. Then Petagrew walks back in the compartment.

Sirius's POV:
"Petagrew show us your arm." Alex says calmly as her boyfriend and brother block the door. He then holds out his right arm and rolls up the sleeve. "Other arm stupid!" I growl at him. He backs up into the grasp of James ll and Teddy. They grab him and hold him still as Alex walks forward and reveals the dark mark branded into his arm. "How could you don't his Peter? We trusted you." Remus yells at him standing up with his scowl deepening on his face. James l is shaking in anger and he pulls his wand. "Dad don't!" Uncle harry yells. "Alex you know what to do. "I nod and Lilly, Rose, and Ava come and stand next to me. They grab my arms and a blue light appears. The girlsare engulfed in the blue light and when it disappears the girls have angel wings in different colors.

Ava has blue, Lilly, red, Rose white, and Alex black. Rose and Lilly then disappear and reappear in a matter of 2 minutes. Ava then keeps Petagrew still as Alex places her hand over his heart. When she pulls her hand back there is a black light sitting on her palm. Lilly turns all his robes Slytherin colors and Ava whiles his memory of the most recent events. Alex pulls part of the black light away and reveals a green orb of light. She gives the green orb to Rose and she places it back in Petagrew as Alex places the remaining black cover in a glass bottle. Petagrew then leaves and sits with Slytherins. The girls convert back to humans and Alex burns the bottle.

"What was that?" I ask. "We changed his memory so he thinks he has always been in Slytherin and he has no memory of ever becoming your friends." Alex says as all the people from the future start to fade away. "Wait where are you going?" The three of us ask. "Further into your future so we can save James l and Lilly l." Harry (o) says.

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