Back to the Battle at The Ministry of Magic

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Harry's POV:
We were invisible when we disappeared and it is a good thing because there stand 8 Death Eaters surrounding the younger kids. That is when I realize that it is just us from 2015 and those from 1975. "Alex" I whisper in her ear "where are the younger adults?". "This is before the time they left. They wouldn't be able to see their own future like this." She whispers back. "Alright everyone. This is going to turn into a big fight. Send spells, jinxes, hexes, and curses. But do not and I mean DO NOT kill a single person. Do you understand?" She says growling the last part. We all nod and she holds up 3 fingers. She drops one and we get ready. She drops another and then takes of the spell keeping us invisible. "NOW!" She screams shooting a shield charm in between Bellatrix and Sirius (o). "Bloody hell!" "what?" "How?" "Who are you people?" Are just a few of the reactions. "Don't stop fighting back!" I yell.

Suddenly we hear "Avada Kedavra!" Shouted and we all watch as Alex jumps out of the way and the spell hits another death eater in the chest. "Well Shit!" She screams countering back. The rest of us overpower the other death eaters and we all watch as Alex fights Bellatrix. It is actually a pretty fair fight but I can see both Remus's in the room want to help their daughter. Bella hits her with the cruciatis curse and she fly's back writhing, screaming only as she fly's back. She then stops moving and stands again no sign of just being tortured only pure furry on her face.

"SECTUMSEMPRA" she screams. Now it is Bella's turn to be thrown back and she is bleeding. It is actually quite a lot of blood. Dumbledor then appears and ties up all the death eaters. Placing a spell on them so they can't disapparate. Then behind Dumbledor Voldemort appears. He quickly heals Bella as the rest of us dissapear again.

Tedys POV:
I scream along with many others as we watch her be thrown back under the torture curse. She then stands again and curses Bellatrix who is defeated. With a blood stain growing larger and larger on her clothes. I run over to Alex and pick her up just as we start to dissapear again. "Alex are you alright?" I ask softly. She nods then bursts out laughing. "What on earth is funny right now?" Dad asks shocked. "Bellatrix just killed your killer mum and dad!" She manages to finnaly get out. Sirius and both James's start laughing as the rest if us manage weak smiles.

We then appear in the deserted ROR at Hogwarts just before the war starts. Mum and dad just dissapear again though. "Moony?!?" Uncle James and Sirius yell together. "Alex where did he go?" Uncle Harry asks looking confused. "He is already in this time and saved so now we just have to be spontaneous and fight this war after saving Fred the first." I say. "Wait Alex can we please save Severus?" Aunt Lilly begs. Alex nods as both uncles create an uproar again. "Just shut up!" Polaris yells. "They ended up together but then he dies in the war so their relationship was cut short." I explain as uncle Sirius looks at his sister like she has grown three heads. "Just leave it." Alex says sighing.

"Let's go" I yell. "We need to get this done fast before people start to recognize us" Alex finishes. We all run and follow Alex to the spot where Fred dies. "Hide" she whispers quickly. We all scurry to conceal ourselves and she ducks behind a suit of armor waiting for the right time. We see Fred, Ron, Percy, and Harry (y) arrive and Alex meets my eye. She nods and I take down one of the death eaters as Alex protects the four young men. "Alex what are you and your brother doing?" I hear Ron, Fred, and Harry (all younger) whisper. "Fred we couldn't bare to tell you at first but you die and I am saving your bloody lives so thank me don't ask what I am doing you idiots." She whispers back. "Get ready to attack that last man with whatever spell that comes to mind." She continues. She nods to me and I duck back down again. "Now!" She screams letting the protection go. "Reducto" "Stupify" "Tatnitangella" "Scorgify" the four yell. Everyone from this time besides Fred freezes. "Come on Fred!" Uncle George yells motioning him to follow us.

We all then run to the boat house as Fred l starts to age before our eyes so he looks more like uncle George again. He and Sirius dissapear after their aging processes. "Mum don't watch this. Please." Uncle Harry begs his mother. She nods confused and she and James age then dissappear. "Uncle Harry take this bottle and turn invisible. When you walk inside wait for younger you to collect the memory's and then pour that entire bottle down Severus's throaght. Hurry out here when you finish and we can all go home." Alex whispers. He nods and Alex and I place the spell on him and the rest of us.

10 minutes later
Alex's POV:
Uncle Harry comes back out again as everyone else stops. There walking with him is Severus Snape one of the most hated teachers at Hogwarts. "Thank you" he whispers. We all gather in a group and are transported to the sitting room of Potter Manor. "Look no time has passed it is just like when we left!" Uncle Draco yells. "Stop!" I yell "something is off." I look at the table and sitting there is a letter from Vic to her parents and the rest of the family. I pick it up and open it reading it quickly as those who died appear again just aged.

"What the fucking Hell?!? Are you kidding me Victoria Gabrielle Weasley!?!" I scream passing the letter to the Weasley family adults who are all shocked by my outburst. Fleur reads it and bursts out crying. "Vic left us?" Uncle Bill asks shocked. Aunt Fleur's tears stop quickly and a stony glare replaces them. Mum and dad look at each other and I think they are going to repremand me but the surprise both Teddy and I. They pull us in the biggest hug possible and uncle Sirius joins in quickly followed by uncle James and aunt Lilly. "Thank you sweetheart! Without your help we would never know our families." Mum and aunt Lilly whisper to me. I blush and my hair turns a soft pink with gold mixed in showing my pride in what I had done. "Alex you have done something amazing today! How can we ever repay you?" Dad asks as everyone looks at me waiting for my answer. "Just promise me and everyone else that helped me from this time that you won't throw you lives away now that you have them back." I whisper tears gathering and starting to fall. Severus walks up to me and gives me a tender hug making everyone smile since he is now showing his caring side. I get up on my tip toes and whisper in his ear "I know how to make that go away" touching his left arm softly. He looks at me amazed. "You do?" He hoarsly asks. I smile and motion for him to pull up his sleeve. I place my hand over the mark and my hand glows blue before returning to normal. I remove my hand and motion for him to follow me into the kitchen.

"Run you arm under the tap "I say as everyone follows. He does after looking at me funny. Everyone watches as the dark mark melts off his skin and runs off with the water like ink. "How?" My dad asks staring at Severus's now unmarked arm. "He showed remorse for what he had done and Voldemort is now dead. So if you combine the two and use the right spell it will come off like ink." I say smiling. "Will you?" Uncle Draco begs pointing at his own arm. I nod and repeat the process. Uncle Draco grabs me in a huge bear hug after in finish. "Need..... Air...... To...... Live!" I gasp out. "Oh sorry" uncle Draco appologises setting me down again as I rub my ribs. "Um Alex? "Teddy says worriedly. I turn and look at him funny and so does everyone else. "Your back is bleeding like crazy!" He says pointing at pools of my blood on the floor. The room then starts to spin and my eyelids get heavy. I feel myself fall back and before I blackout I feel someone catch me and another yell to take me to St. Mungo's.

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