Her Story

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Lilly 1's POV:
I know for a fact that all the men and boys are listening at the door. I look at Alex in time to see her burst into tears. "What is going on honey?" Dora asks her voice shaking slightly. "I am going to tell you all my story. It all started when I went to Hogwarts for my first year. On the third week of September the school was set on lockdown due to the threats of strong Voldemort supporters. It ended up that some got in the school and the first thing they did was search for the Potter/Weasley/Lupin relations because we were the end of him. They found James first but before they did anything they found me and let James go." She stops and looks at Teddy. He nods slightly and she gives him a weak smile. "They promised me that no one else would get hurt if I came quietly but they never got the chance for me to respond. James had gone and gotten McGonagall, Teddy, Flitwick, and Sprout. It turned into a huge fight and older students had heard the commotion and came to help. Our joined forces were to much for the death eaters though and uncle Harry, uncle Ron, and uncle Draco were called to Hogwarts to take them to Azkaban. At the begining of June of that year I was taken by some men from my dorm room. It took half the entire Auror headquarters over a month to find me again. That experience made me emotionally mute. So when uncle Harry needed my account of what happened I just replayed it in his head. The ministry had to bring me in since it was common knowledge that uncle Harry was my guardian at the time. They gave me a sheet of paper and asked me to describe the place I was in. I was able to do much better and I drew exactly what the dinning room of Nott Manor looked like." She said. I stare at the young girl tears running freely down my face. "That was just your first year?" I ask astounded. She nods then yawns. "Go to sleep sweetheart. You can space out your story." Dora says kissing her daughters forehead. Alex nods and motions Lilly over to her. Lilly snuggles into Alex and they both fall asleep.

I walk over to the door and open it. When I do I watch my husband, Sirius, and Remus stumble the latter catching himself before he falls unlike the other two. I sigh shaking my head slightly. "Why did she make some of us leave even thought Teddy was playing the entire thing for us?" Remus asks. "She doesn't like to have to tell big groups of people about herself all at once. She doesn't mind singing in front of crowds though since she is one usually with a group and two not telling them anything about herself except the fact that she can sing." James 2 says softly playing with her fingers. I smile at my grandson watching how he moves with caution so he doesn't hit Alex even slightly.

Alex's POV:
I wake up again to feel James playing with my fingers. He usually does this when he is bored and I am hurt, bored, or asleep. I smile to myself and try to sit up before remembering that isn't a very good idea. I groan quietly but everyone hears it. 'Are you alright?' Teddy asks in my head. I nod and he nods at dad. The guys leave the room again and the girls gather around my bed for year two. "My entire second year I was mute. Teachers started having me write what I want to say in the air with my wand if it is for multiple people to see. That year on Halloween James kissed me. It was both our first kisses and that night he asked me to be his girlfriend. At first Teddy was annoyed but since James was even more protective over me and we went all about PDA he was fine with it. That was the year Al, Ava, Scorp, Rose, and Lucy joined us in griffendor. Fred and James started playing about a group like with our ancestors. So they both turned to me and Teddy since we were the smartest in our year. Teddy had suggested combiningGolden Trio and The Marauders. I figured the way to do that was take the first words of both eras. Thus The Golden Marauders was born. James thought it was oh so important to add the . That year Fred, James, Teddy, and I were wandering the castle when we came across an old journal full of evil spells, potions, and grotesque ideas for muggles and muggleborn wizards. We took the book to McGonagall and she had told us this was the way all those dark witches and wizards knew the spells. The book was more like a teachers lesson planer. One day her office was broken into and the book was stolen. I flicked through the pages and I memorized what the things were so I could tell if they were being used and not a week after the journal had been stolen some of the easier magic was being used. Thetechers figured out pretty quick that it was a seventh year with the help of a teacher in Slytherin was doing it. It ended up being the DADA teacher and his oldest daughter with the last name of Mitchell's. They were both arrested. In third year Haggrid was given some mixed breeding gone wrong eggs. The only danger we were in was by mutant animals. Now last year we had a teacher try to get me on my own so he could kill me. Reasoning I have no idea but it never worked till he had to use force to get me away from The GM. Then they involved other teachers to save me pretty much." When I finish my story mum looks like she will force feed the next person to hurt me poison.

'You can tell the guys they can come back in' I think to Teddy. The next second the door is thrown open. And in walk the rest of our family. They are all smiling about something. "What is going on?" I ask in unison with my cousins. "We can all go home!" Dad tells us.

The Past Can Be Very Frightening (third generation harry potter)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora