Watching the mission

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[scene: My universal theatre]

Marinette and her class was having a break, they were either getting something to eat or hang out, either in the arcade or in one of the many stores. Everyone was wondering why Lila was saying anything at all, when they found her, they noticed she no longer had a mouth, everyone was wondering how that happened but Marinette already knew and silently was thankful for that. Besides that everyone was relaxing.

Me: Alright everyone, come back, we can continue when you all get here.

After a few minutes everyone came back and went into their seats, they look at the screen to see what happens next.

[scene: Beacon tower elevator]

(Y/n), Alix and Ruby was going up the elevator, going to each floor because of a certain red reaper pushed so it was taking them a bit to get there after an extra 5 minutes. Eventually their got to the office and felt the tension in the room, General Ironwood prised them for doing what Huntsman and huntress are meant to do. Then their questioned Ruby about what she saw. After the question to Ruby was done, she left to go join her teammates in her dorm. Then the three turned to the two miraculous holders/guardians.

Marinette: Well let's see how this goes.

Mylene: Are we just glossing over the fact that a general just praised them?

Alix: Yes.

Ironwood: So the scroll, you gave to me Alix contained a virus that would allow whoever the person was to have full access to the complete network all over vale, I can't begin to imagine the damage if their somehow gained access to my system to take control of the my robots. So I must thank the both of you two for stopping the intruder.

Max: Well then, seems that I was right.

Nathaniel: It was expected to have a virus.

Kim: Yeah, but to give Cinder full control of the network.

(Y/n): I think I might know who she was, if I'm being honest the disguise was horrible.

Ivan: It was.

Sabrina: Yeah.

Nathaniel: Agreed.

Glynda: how so?

(Y/n): Ozpin do you have the files for the transfer students form haven?

Ozpin: Yeah

He hands him the files, (Y/n) then looked through them to he got to Cinder

(Y/n): maker.

Alix hands (Y/n) a black maker as he draws on Cinders profile.

Glynda: Why do you have a black marker?

Alix: Don't worry about it.

Rose: Why do you have a marker anyway Alix?

Alix: Don't worry about it.

(Y/n) then turns the file back to them to see he drew the mask Cinder had on.

Ironwood: That was her alright

Glynda: what should we do?

(Y/n): if you want my opinion, it the mission day for the first years today, so send them on a mission to atlas, where Ironwood and his army will be waiting for them.

Sabrina: Well that gets her out of their hair and puts her in prison, with out anyone getting suspicious until it's too late.

Max: That is a smart move.

Ozpin: Good idea Mr Rose now two are free to go.

After that both (Y/n) and Alix went to join up back with their teammates.


Team Miraculous was went to go to vale, the mission their picked had them stay in vale, which is perfect for them for them cause if vale was in danger their can transform and deal with it. So their spent all day doing the mission which was deal with Grimm at the boards of Vale.

[Vale boarder hours later]

Team Miraculous has just finished clearing out the Grimm, then Marinette decided to ask a question.

Marinette: Guys for the fighting festival should we use the miraculous?

(Y/n): I don't think so that would be considered cheating and we don't want people knowing, doing that will tell all of remnant that we have magically items and who knows what will happen if Cinder gets her hands on one.

Marinette: Yeah, it will be a good idea not to use them during the tournament.

Adrien: Because that will expose our identities.

Adrien: Yeah, I didn't think we should take that risk.

Alix: Then we or our kwamis will have to inform Yang and Jaune not to use them in the festival.

Kim: Oh Yeah those two also have a miraculous.

Juleka: Seems like Marinette and the others will have to tell them not to use their miraculous, during the tournament.

Lycan: I think it would be best that use 4 to do that

Then Tikki, Plagg and Fluff can out.

Tikki: Yeah 2 will tell yang and the other 2 will tell Jaune.

Then the 8 of them then hear an explosion go off in vale.

Alix: What was that?

Marinette: I don't know but let's check it out. Tikki, spots on.

Adrien: Plagg, claws out.

(Y/n): Lycan, fangs out.

Alix: Fluff, clockwise

Marinette: It been a while since we heard that.

Adrien: Yeah, especially (Y/n)'s

Alix: Looks like team Miraculous is off to save the day.

Watching Miraculous semblance 2 return to remnant Where stories live. Discover now