"New moon? So in about three weeks?" he asked excitedly.

She nodded and took a sip of her tea.

"Venerable High Priestess, how do you know?" Belial asked, who had been listening in silence until now.

"I've known it since the day I saw it. That is why I have sent you my granddaughter to receive you. But you were faster than expected. The other carrier still needs time to wake up – but at the new moon he will not be so far. Come back here with your mate to receive him with me," she answered Belial's question.

Belial nodded in gratitude and Aleks smiled. At last. Only three more weeks, then we will finally get answers. He was also excited to meet another member of his people.

Aleks and Belial finished their tea, then politely said goodbye to head home. In three weeks they would return.

A week later...

Belial sorted out some documents and worked through the last tasks that had been left behind. Meanwhile, Aleks was lying on the sofa in Belial's study, reading a book on medical procedures for demons, when suddenly he felt an impulse rushing through his body.

Aleks reared up and screamed. His skin began to glow and he became hot. His demon was with him within a second, holding him. The moment Belial touched him, he, like Aleks, heard a voice in his head.

"Clack clack, sounds the pointer of time that was frozen. Time awakens and empathy is born. A miracle that opens everyone's minds. It is not long before they awaken the knowledge, but it sleeps. "

"The fallen star illuminates the darkness, awakens from sleep. But it is only when it touches a piece of the sky that he opens his eyes. The time is near."

After that, the glow immediately went out, and Aleks' pulse calmed down. Protectively, he put his hands on his stomach. Belial looked at him, breathing heavily.

"Tsuka, what was that?" he asked, panting. Aleks looked at him with an unintelligible look.

"That was a prophecy, a clue to the final key. Another carrier has awakened," Aleks said in a toneless voice, then fell asleep.

Zack was practicing some defensive techniques with Hettia. Lucan insisted that he gain combat experience in order to be able to defend himself in case of emergency. Unfortunately, Zack just wasn't a fighter and gave Hettia a hard time, even if he was sorry.

"Good. If someone stabs you head-on, do the sideways movement you've learned and hit their wrist with the heel of your hand," Lucan's deputy explained. He showed Zack the movement slowly, and Zack tried to imitate it – more or less successfully.

Hettia executed the attacking movement slowly and Zack carried out the defensive movement. Just as Hettia pulled back to perform the same move again, a jolt went through Zack's body and he fell convulsively to the ground. Hettia looked at him in panic when his skin suddenly began to glow.

Shit, what's going on here? Why when Lucan is not there? thought the demon, desperately calling for a healer. Zack twitched and heard the words in his head. As quickly as the glow came, it ebbed away again and the twitch died away. Zack lay unconscious on the ground.

Hettia couldn't make sense of it. In the infirmary they were given the all-clear, Zack was fine, he was just sleeping. What the hell was that? Worse, how was he supposed to explain the Lucan?

When Lucan returned home and heard about Zack's seizure, he ran angrily into the hospital wing where his mate was.

"Zack," he shouted as soon as he opened the door. To his relief, he found that Zack was sitting on the bed and smiling at him.

"Welcome back, Yalo," he greeted him. Lucan went to his lover and pulled him into his arms.

"Don't scare me so much, Nyiam," he reprimanded Zack, pressing an affectionate kiss on his mouth. Then he sat down next to him.

"Zack, what happened?" he asked him with a serious expression on his face.

Zack looked at his demon and sighed. "I don't know. I was training with Hettia, that's when it happened. It was as if an electric shock shot through my body and I got hot. Everything around me turned white and that's when I heard that voice," Zack said.

"Which ones?" Lucan asked, pulling him closer into his embrace.

"Clack clack, sounds the pointer of time that was frozen. Time awakens and empathy is born. A miracle that opens everyone's minds. It is not long before they awaken the knowledge, but it sleeps.

The fallen star illuminates the darkness, awakens from sleep. But it is only when he touches a piece of the sky that he opens his eyes. The time is near."

Lucan stared at him in horror. Zack heard Hope's prophecy? What does that mean? Is he also a carrier? Fear constricted Lucan's throat – fear that Hope's words would come true.

Then, suddenly, he began to relax. Confused, he looked at his demon and looked into two ice-blue eyes.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat