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"Evening, officers" Pope says, tryna act cool. "Evening" Shoupe answers. "JJ, tie this off" Pope says, giving me a rope.

"How you kids doing? You know the marsh is closed?" Shoupe says, I can tell he's getting suspicious. "Wow, really? Why's that?" I say, trying to be shocked.

"We're conducting a search out here. Boat went down. Seen anything?" He asks us. "No boats, no" Pope shakes his head.

"Where's your friend you always hang out with? He here?" Shoupe looks around the boat. "He's working" Kie says.

"I'm gonna check you're little boat out" Shoupe says as he climbs into our boat. "Yeah, come aboard. Check her out" Pope says. "Thanks" Shoupe nods.

I'm starting to get worried about John B. If anything happens to him, I'll never forgive myself.

"Okay, well then. Everything checks out. You kids better get outta here as soon as ya can. Alright?" Shoupe says to us. "Yes sir, we'll go as soon as we can" I say. "Yes you will" He glared at me.

John B comes up from the water.

"Oh my god!" Kiara says.
"There he is!" I shout.

I'm help John B into the boat.

"Did you find anything?" JJ asks. "Did I find anything" John B repeats as he pulls up a duffle bag. "Yeah! Way to go John B.

"You're okay, right John B?" Kiara asks him. "Yeah, ran out of air" he answers. "Yeah the cops were up here, but uh, took care of 'em" Pope tells him.

"You guys? You guys, bogey, two 2'o'clock" Kie says, in a worried look. "What?" JJ asks.

"Do you recognize that boat?" Pope questions. "I've never seen it" Kiara answers. "What are they doing here? The marsh is closed" I say. "I don't know, but let's not stick around to find out" JJ exclaims. "JJ get the bowline" John B orders. "Yep" he nods.

"Should we wait on them?" Pope asks. "Hell no" I tell him.

"JJ, hurry up!" Kiara yells at him. "Don't wait for me John B! Go, just go!" JJ tells JB.
"They're following us!" I yell. "Shit" Pope says.


"Oh my god! Guys! They have a gun!" I scream. "Go, go, go!" JJ yells at John B!


I look at Kiara and she points to the net. I nod my head. We get up at the same time and grab the net.

"Guys! What the fuck are you doing get down!" JJ yells at me.


Ow. Wait, ow? oh shit-

I look down and see a little blood. Fuck. I'll ignore the pain and tell the others once we're safe.

"3, 2, 1, GO!" I yell and we throw the net over. It gets stuck in their propeller! "Yes! WHOOO" I yell.

We get back to the dock and John B shows us the duffel.

"Guys" I say softly. But nobody hears me.

"Can you just open it already!" Pope yells at us. "Whoa, Pope, what's with the sudden outburst?" JJ asks. "Sorry, we just almost died to get whatever is in the bag" Pope apologizes.

John B opens the bag and grabs a capsule from it. He opens it, and when he does I gasp. Fuck, my stomach hurts even more now.

"Great, we just risked our lives for a compass" JJ says.

"JJ" I mumble.

"Like, bro. We almost got shot!" He continues, ignoring me.

"This was my father's" John B mutters.

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