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**beep. beep. beep. beep. beep**

"Ugh" I groan as I turn off my alarm, stretching. I grab my phone off the bed stand to see if anyone texted me.

John B

Hey, we're gonna go fishing! Want us to pick u up??

Sure! I'll be out in five :)

I change into a cute top that says Palala (Brother/bro) and some Jean shorts. I put my phone in my pocket and walk out the of my room, fluttering my eyes due to the brightness.

"Took you long enough" Ash said, tying on her shoes. "Sorry, didn't know I had to wake up before 7:00" I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna go fishing with John B guys" I tell her. She looks me up and down. "Okay" Ash replied. She took one more glance at me before grabbing her keys.

"I'm heading to work, you better behave well. I know how you like to pull your little schemes with your friends. And if you end up getting in trouble, don't come crying to me" My sister glares at me.

"Okay, see you either tonight or tomorrow" I say my goodbye and head out to the docks.


"Hey, John B! You see that hot girl over there?" JJ says quietly, but loud enough so I can hear him. John B smirks and nods along. "Let's go pick her up, man" JJ points at me, who's sitting on the dock with my legs hanging in the water.

"Hey, need a ride?" John B shouts at me. "Ooh, yes please!" I smile. "Here ya go ma'am" JJ says in a weird accent, holding out his hand to help me. "Why, thank you, kind sir" I pretend to curtsy at him.

"Where to, Johnny?" I ask John B, teasing him because he hates that name. "We're gonna go get Pope, then Kie. Is that good?" He asks. "Fine by me" I shrug.

"And by the way, if you keep calling me these dumbass names, I will throw you off the boat, Leilani Napua Kealohi"

"Please, if I go down, you're coming with me Johnny"


"POPE!" I yell, trying to get his attention. It didn't work though, because his nose is still stuck in the book.

"Is he deaf, or what?" JJ shakes his head.

"POPE! GET YOUR NOSE OUT OF THAT BOOK AND GET YOUR ASS ON HERE!" I yell again, pointing to the boat.

I must've been way louder this time because I see him jump a little and then look up. Once he sees who yelled he smiles.

He runs up to the boat and jumps in, and I give him a pat on the back.

"Next stop. Kiara Carrera"


We get to the dock, and I see her coming with a cooler.

"Do you have food?" I ask, with a hint of curiosity in my hazel eyes.

She gets on the boat and looks at me with one brow raised. "Not a hi, hello, thanks for being here because of all this testosterone??" She deadpans.

"Sorry, hi Kiara! How are you?" I mutter. "Is that better, mom?" She rolls my eyes at me, and says "Much better. And of course you would ask for food as soon as I got on"

Well she didn't have to go there. She doesn't know the things I've been through and what I'm dealing with.

I look down at the cooler, then back at her, and she seems to get what I'm trying to say, but she just rolls her eyes at me and smirks. What a bitch.

After all, me and my sister are a couple of the brokest people in the cut. So broke, we have to spend a couple days or more without food. But you know, I'm used to it.


After we get kiara, we head out to the Château.

I decided to spend the night at John B's house, so I text my sister.

Hey, I'm gonna spend da
night at JB's, I'll see u tmr.


I sat on the porch, the warm sun caressed my skin, and a gentle breeze rustled through my hair. The chirping of birds provided the perfect soundtrack for her peaceful afternoon. I sink into the couch, sipping on a refreshing glass of lemonade, and losing herself in a book.

A couple hours into my book, John B comes rushing to me.

"Hey! There's going to be a hurricane coming. Hurricane Agatha" He informs me. "What about the DCS? That was today right?" I ask.

"Nah, I called them to reschedule. Wanna go surf the surge with me and Pope?" John B smirks at me excitedly.

"Don't have to ask me twice!" I get up and go to John B's room to get my stuff and change into my suit. It's a cute green one piece with flowers on it.

I head out to go meet John B and Pope. The sky is already gray. Once we get down to the beach I can already tell that Pope wants to go back with his fidgeting.

"Those aren't surfable waves bro" he tells John B and me. "Says who?" We say at the same time, smirking. "Hey, Johnathon. Wanna race?" I challenge him. "Oh, that's it Leilani Napua Kealohi, as soon as we hit the water, im drowning you!" And I start running, surfboard in hand and laughing.

Me and John B eagerly jumped on our boards, balancing their way to catch the first wave of the day.

We try to look for a good wave, and finally see one coming.

"Whoever gets the most good waves gets 20 bucks" I turn to him, smiling. "Bet" he nods.

I get up on my board and move like I'm part of the wave itself. With every twist and turn, I carve through the waves with pure joy and exhilaration.

Me and John B exchanged shocked looks and smile, pushing each other to surf even bigger waves.

The sound of crashing waves and thunder mingled with our laughter.

I look over to John B, and see him staring at something towards the horizon. I look in the direction he's looking and see a boat with nobody on it.

But what I don't see is a giant rogue wave heading straight towards me.

Next thing I know, I'm getting pounded, and everything is beginning to turn black. Last thing I can see is the reef, and I can feel it scraping against my face.

3rd Person

"Leilani!" John B shouts as he paddles over to where he saw the girl last. "Where is she?!" He shouted to himself.

Then, he sees something that he will never forget.

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