This place is a bigger shithole then outside.

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Suddenly, we hit a huge sandbank. JJ does a front flip into the water, and Kiara accidentally bangs into me and I crash onto the side of the boat.

"Jesus, Pope" Kiara groans.

I groan out in pain. I look over to JJ. "Yo, JJ, you good?"

He groans and says "I think my heels touched the back of my head"

John B looks over to me. "Lani, you okay?" I smile painfully at him. "Never better" I reply.

Fuck, I banged into the my ribs.

"Pope, what the fuck did you do?" JJ says as Kiara helps me and Sage into the boat.

"Sandbar. The channel changed" He answers back.

"No shit" I tell him. I reach my hand to help JJ into the boat, then I knew he was up to something when he smiled, his mischievous smile.

"JJ, no, JJ. DON'T" He grabs me and tries to pull me into the water. I hook my feet onto the side of the boat, so he can't pull me. If I get my hoodie wet, I'll have to take it off. And they can't know what I've been through.

He gives me a strange look, then finally gives up.

"Guys, I think there's a boat down there" Pope says. "Shut up Pope" John B shakes his head. "No way" me and Kie say. "No, no, guys, I'm serious. There's like a boat down there!" Pope says.

I look to where he's pointing and see a big white.. boat! It really is a boat! "Holy shit, your right. Let's go!" Kie says.

The boys take off their shirts and jump in.

Shit man, they're gonna think I'm weird for not going down there with them.

"I'll stay here guys, I don't feel like swimming right now" I mumble. But they all just shrug, except Kiara rolls her eyes at me.

"You think there's a dead body down there?" Pope questions. Nobody answers him, though.

I hope that they won't find out. Not yet at least.

"You guys saw that right?" JJ asks, his light blue eyes wide open. "Yeah, we did" we all say.

"That's a Grady White. A new one of those is like, 500 Gs, easy. That's a primo rig" Leave it to JJ to know about boats, I roll my eyes.

"Wait, that's the boat me and John B saw when we surfed the surge!" I realize. Kiara looks at John B.

"You surfed the surge?" She had a worried look on her face. "Well, I mean, he didn't really surf-" I smirk. "That's my girl. Pogue style" JJ flirts. "You forgot to tell him the part where you passed out, dumbass" John B flips me off. I roll my eyes.

That's another thing, everybody knows I'm his girl. Not really his girlfriend, but if you mess with me or touch me, he's gonna beat your ass.

"Wait, wait. Do we know who's boat that is?" Pope asks. "Nope. But we're about to find out" John B replies.

"Dude, it's too deep" JJ says. Before he even realized what he said, I interrupt him and say "that's what she said" and he rolls his eyes, smiling.

"Oh, for the weak and feeble JJ" John B groans as he picks up the anchor. "Okay, we'll I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front" he shakes hit head.

"Diver down fool" Pope declares. I give JJ a look, and he gives it back.

"Yeah, he is" we say at the same time then push him. We start laughing and do our handshake.

"So like, how long do you think it's gonna take?" I ask. "Idk" JJ shrugs. "Should we go get him?" Pope asks, but then John B comes up.

"Oh my god, that took forever" Kiara complains.

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