Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

The land of a thousand gods and a hundred princes, ruled by one god-emperor. Daemion thought to himself stunned by Yi-Ti's vast country. From the top of Modread, Daemion could see a realm of windswept plains and rolling hills, jungles and rain forests and seas and lakes which appeared to be deep.

But the true jewel of this beautiful country was the golden city in the center of it, which Daemion was headed to. By the seven and fourteen flames... Even the houses appear to be made of silver and gold. Daemion thought to himself as Modread got closer to the city.

Daemion flew around the Golden Palace in search of somewhere to land Modread, but to his disappointment, the closest place to land was the Golden Palace's courtyard, though empty, Daemion knew that the emptiness was not without reason. But what other choice do I have? Either I must leave Modread outside of the city which I will be lost in the city and even will be later than I already am... Or I must just land in their courtyard. Daemion thought to himself.

To which he chose the courtyard.

On top of Modread he could see the welcoming party, in which, he could not see any man who resembled the God-Emperor. But From the looks of a few Daemion could guess that they might be the princes and princesses of the realm, And ahead of all an elder woman who wore a dress as golden as the sun, who he could only imagine must be the Empress.

Daemion got off Modread. He could sense that Modread was uncomfortable. He got off his saddel and placed his hand and then forehead on Modread. This always calmed Modread. "It's okay boy, it is alright. Go for a flight and build yourself a nest... for we will be here for awhile." Daemion whispered in high valeryian. Modread was much calmer. He took his hand off and turned around. Modread started clapping his wings and flew to the sky.

For half of a heartbeat his eyes met a pair of worldly black eyes that were looking at him curiusly and in surprise.

She was gorgeous. Her black hair was not as dark as his own hair, but yet it was darker than eveyone else present. Tall, for she was as tall as the slandered man who stood next to her who had light brown hair, much like the Empress. A strange feeling grows inside of Daemion... a feeling mixed with curiosity and surprised by her beauty and a sense that Daemion could not describe.

But then the tallest man Daemion had seen to that point of his life walked to him. Whomever this man is, he must be a fine warrior Daemion thought to himself as he studied the musculer tall man, who bore a sword wound on his face with sevral other wounds.

The tall and msucluer man stood close and in front of Daemion. Daemion was a tall man for he rarely met men who were taller than him but he only reached to this man's nose. Daemion could admit that this man was intimidating.

Daemion attempted to say greetings in broken Yi-Tish language, but the tall man spoke first. "We are familiar with common tongue, foreign prince." The muscular man spoke in the common tongue. "I am Jumong-chan. Son to the God-Empror, descendent of legendary Fang-chan." Jumong introduced himself arrogantly.

"Greetings. I am Daemion Targaryen, son of Maegor Targaryen and Ceryse Hightower. Grandson to Visenya Targaryen." Daemion introduced himself.

Daemion heard a small noise of struggle between two women, behind Prince Jumong. A younger and the light browned hair girl was pushing the black eye and black hair beauty aside, taking her place.

Daemion and Jumong walked to the welcoming party. "This is Empress Feng, wife to the god-emperor, and my mother." Jumong stood aside as he presented the Raven Prince to the welcoming party.

Daemion bowed his head as a sign of respect. But then felt his back freezing as he saw the look on the faces of everyone else. As if he had disrespected The Empress. "Is that how you show respect in Westeros?" Jumong asked confused, as if Daemion had two heads.

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