Solo ArcChapter 19: A New way to Train

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Lycan growls as he points at Ozpin with a scowl on his face, "Are you saying we are weak? We helped Jaune fight off an A ranked gate before! Remember that?"

Ragora goes to scold Lycan before Ozpin shakes his head at her. She stops her scold before it leaves her mouth and closes her mouth to see what Ozpin had in mind.

He gazes upon Lycan and then sweeps his gaze along the group. They all see his eyes glowing a deep green as he seems to leave his eyes on each of them for a good ten seconds before moving to the next member. After close to 3 minutes of scanning them all and apprising them Ozpin gathers their attention once more and says, "Well to be brutally honest. You are weaker than you think."

The whole group of students immediately went into argument mode to show him they weren't weak, even Jaune backed them up some. Before Ozpin sent out a pulse of magical energy making them quiet down. He then clears his throat and gives them their answers, "First, yes you did help Mr. Arc with that A ranked Gate a bit ago. There is no arguing that, however shall we also argue about how you had his full army, a platoon of militiamen, and Atlesian knights backing you up? You see they were a deciding factor. I appraised you all just now with my auric sight. A handy little spell that Ms. Scarlatina can learn in the future as she masters more support magic."

Velvet blushes as Coco pats her back and Ruby gives her a friendly smile with a thumbs up. Ozpin continues, "As such I reviewed your abilities and overall strength. I believe on average you are all on the level of a B ranked hunter. However some of you are close to or have reached A rank. For instance, Ms. Nikos is A- rank, Mr. Yatsuhashi is also A- rank, Ms. Cinarum is also in this rank. Now a majority of you are in B to B+ rank including the rest of CVFY and SLVR. RWBY is entirely in B rank. And Mr. Ren and Ms. Valkyrie are both in B- rank."

Nora goes, "Wait! I'm that weak?!"

Rend goes to comfort Nora as Ozpin clarifies, "Yes. Not due to your strength or lack of skills. I scanned your full stats and while you are strong and fast, your senses, thinking speed, and planning are all atrocious. Meaning that you have much to go through to improve yourself and break through to rank A. For Mr. Ren the opposite is true, he is very skilled, a good planner, and very efficient with his senses and speed. But his overall durability and lack of strength has lowered him to a B- rank. If you both improve in these areas you lack you will see a world of difference in combat. Understood?"

Ren and Nora look to each other, give supportive smiles then look back at Ozpin and smile with nods. Ozpin smiles back at them and then goes about writing them training plans while discussing with each member what they need to work on.

As they plan their training within the dimensional gate, Jaune is busy arranging it to have a wide range of high level gym equipment, a training field, a sparring arena, a library, a magic testing room, and a resting area that will have the same effect and make a 1 hour nap feel like a full 8 hour sleep. He arranges it all and makes it as large as a the Vytal stadium to allow them plenty of space for their needs. After wiping some sweat off his brow from the effort he notices Velvet, Weiss, Yang, and Pyrrha were all behind him checking on him with small smiles at him.

He grins and turns to hug them which they all return to him. He then begins to speak to them about their training and to support them emotionally since he can't be there physically. "This might be the first time in a while where I won't be able to help you grow stronger. Will you all be okay?"

Yang grins at him first and nods before saying, "Don't worry Jaune! We got this! Between you doing so much to support us, your love for us, and Ozpins training plans he is helping us with? We will make sure to maximize this opportunity for us to grow stronger than ever!"

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