Chapter 07

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Never once in my life, I've ever thought about checking someone's arm muscles but here I'm doing it in every two to three minutes. After taking his coat off he rolled up the sleeves and today he is the one driving... or to satisfy me I'd say he is my chauffeur. 
One thing is for sure we are going somewhere informal. From his rolled sleeves and the car being drove by  himself it is crystal clear. 

Again my eyes got stuck at his arms, arms that were clutching the starring wheel. These were the arms that nearly chocked me to death three days ago, still I'm finding it hot because of the veiny muscles and tattooed figures. I wonder if he has tattoos all over his body. His arm has several Belladonna tattoos which was being crushed and some were dead hanging looking anything but gruesome. There were also crows that were plucking it, pulling it. I wonder what those means, pain, agony, revenge or maybe ungiven love. 

"You look interested princess. "

His voice pull me into the reality, where I was touching his arm like some pervert. His voice was tight with emotions and it was the first time I was touching him, touching a man. His skin felt hot under my palm and it was sending me some weird sensation. 

"I'm sorry. "

I pulled my arm as fast as I could but his palms clasped with mine keeping it in his thighs. God, why are his hands so big.

"We are going to my family mansion. "

"Kya?! "

Family mansion, means we are going to meet his family as in his parents. But then again, why am I nervous it's not like he is boyfriend or anything. His family must've known that we are not in a relationship..., right?

"We are going to my family mansion. "

"Nahi, hamara matlab kyu? "

"Because I want to. "

"But aap akele vhi toh jaa shakte the na? "

"Hmm... "

One thing I realized about this man is that he hums a lot and his hmm means we are the end of the conversation. But I don't want to end this just yet. 

"Did you told them about this contract and whatever you did with my father? "

" "

Oh god, I want to kill this man. 

"They don't need to know. "

"But- "

"We fell in love at first sight. Prepare a story cause they love drama. "

"Kya- "

A big victorian gate opened giving us the allowance the enter. The mansion was as large as my home back in Jaipur. This was just quite given a modern touch with light to white colours. 

"I hope you will play well. "

That is it, he was out of the car leaving me in with my anxiety and a lot of pressure. What will I say, how will I introduce myself. Is my attire way too simple, what if they will judge me. Gosh I'm really not ready. 

He ringed the door bell and a man at his 60s opened the door, he smiled with his wrinkled face and bowed slightly before giving us the space to pass. I felt him interlocking our fingers when an old lady made her towards us. Her wrinkled face scrunched and a big smile graced her lips. 

"Oh Bhavna, dekh kon aaya hai. "

Soon after her voice ringed in the mansion more figures appeared from every corner. A lady at her 50s maybe his mom, another lady at her starting adulthood with some pimples and a sunshine like aura. A old man who is now holding the old woman by her shoulder.

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