Chapter 01

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What does it feel to leave everything behind, what does it feel to leave the house and your family. I will never know, cause the house I'm leaving behind hold nothing of mine. Neither memories nor joy.
The car moved out of the estate as I see the faded image of the villa and my namesake family.

It was two days ago when my father bragged into my room with a proud look his face, as if he has achieved something priceless.
My room was big, beautiful but it felt like prison. I felt chained in that room.

"You are engaged, a day after tomorrow you will move to your fiancé house he will come to pick you. "

Our relation was always like this, like driving a car in hills. After my mother died, he remarried. My stepmother was not cruel or like any other stepmother they showed in TV shows. Rather I will say that we were on good terms.

A year after remarrying he sent me abroad, and not to mention it was the best two years of my life. But media and relatives didn't wanted me to be happy. The question of 'where I am' bought me back to India, leaving my peaceful life behind.

I was never out in public, later to announced that I was sick and fragile. Like any Disney princess I was trapped inside my room with ton of facilities but not freedom.
Even the fact that I got to know that I had sibling in their 1st birthday... it was hideous. I met my siblings and family only in occasion or in festivals, like a outsider, like a guest only to pay her visits.

The maid who was also my nanny kept a keen on me, reporting everything to my father. She thought me everything, from the way I'll walk to the way I'll laugh, each and everything. In these eighteen years, I've adapted this life.

I turned 26 three months back and now I was getting married, to whom, I don't know, when, I don't know but I'm.
I always dreamed to marrying my someone I'll love, who will get me out of this prison like villa. But my dream died back when I turned twenty. When I accepted my reality, reality that no one was going to my prince charming, or a knight in shining armor.

Today, after two days here I'm sitting in a luxury Rolls-Royce alone with just a driver. When my father heard that no one came to pick me, he was angry. Maybe because it was insult but mostly because his ego was stabbed, his reputation was hurt.
They did came to see me off, or maybe to see me the last time. The last thing I heard from my birth giver was,

'It's not official yet, act wisely and behave good. '

At first I was kinda hurt but then I realized that I was finally out of that villa, finally out of the darn room. But then again, kinda scared of what future holds for me.
He could be anyone, he could be an old man or a drunkard. I knew I should keep my expectations low but I can't, atleast I can dream of a decent looking man in his 30s or maybe 40s... maybe 50s also.

I watched as the cars zoom passed ours in seconds. I didn't knew where I was going, but I was enjoying the noise of vehicles and traffics. Weird... I know but when you live eighteen years in ear piecing peace, the noise bring a life to you.
The car stopped out a airline and my door was opened by a man. I descend and saw a man carrying my suitcase. They were not my father's man, the black uniform, which was like a outfit screamed that they worked for special someone epically the small brooches they were wearing. And that special someone was definitely not the king of Jaipur.

"This way, mam. "

A man guided me to towards the private plane area. The whole airport was eying us, specially the big bulky men who was working as a shield to me.
They guided me to a private jet and I was welcomed by two air hostess. They guided me to inside and I buckled myself. Nearly after 15 to 20 the jet was in the sky roaming in the clouds.

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