Konoha Welcome Party

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Naruto's words caused Sarutobi to frown, but only a little. The boy had a right to feel as he felt and he couldn't blame him.

"Well...with that said, I believe this reunion has come to an end. I have to finish my paperwork." The last word was spoken with a bad taste in his mouth.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Sarutobi said as he reached into a drawer of his desk and pulled out a small box with a spiral on it. It was a logo that Naruto recognized as the same symbol he always had patched on to his old jumpsuits. He inwardly shuddered at the memory of those hideous outfits he used to call clothes.

Sarutobi opened the box while handing Naruto a set of keys. "Before you move into the Namikaze Estate, it may need to be renovated after seventeen years of not having been lived in. These are the keys to a nice apartment in the Shinobi District that is big enough to accommodate your temporary living arrangements until preparations are complete."

"The rest of the paperwork will consist of your father's will and bank statements. I believe that you should read them now." The Sandaime said with a gentle smile.

The male Jinchuriki looked through the papers with a critical eye for a couple of seconds before deciding open his 'father's' letter to him. He was hesitant to read it, but willed himself forward.

To my sochi, Naruto,

If you are reading this, then I have long since fallen at the day of the Kyuubi no Yoko's attack on Konoha...

'Hiruzen Sarutobi you old teme. I already know the truth.' Naruto thought angrily that the old bastard in front of him trying to give him a fake letter, testing his intelligence. As he looked over the letter, he mentally scoffed as he noticed that there were tear stains on it, which he guessed that his 'father' had been crying when he wrote it. He folded the letter and put it in his pocket and started to unravel the first small scroll left to him. It was his father's will.

An authentic will...

I, Minato Namikaze, Fourth Hokage of Konoha and sole heir of the Namikaze lineage, leave all of my financial earnings and possessions to my wife, Kushina Uzumaki, in the event that I die. If Kushina is unable to take the inheritance due to her death, then everything will be given to any children we may have when they reach the age of fifteen. The inheritance includes:

-$5,783,215,731 in my personal account

-$3,457,986,256 in the personal account of one Naruto Namikaze

-My mountain loft

-All possessions located on the estate grounds, which includes my library and jutsu scrolls which can only be accessed by blood seals. To claim all that has been listed, see the current Hokage and show for authenticity.

Naruto's left eye twitched a few times, but his mind was on standby while his body was on auto pilot while he started to open the second scroll; which turned out to be his mother's will.

I, Kushina Uzumaki, Granddaughter of the late Uzukage of the former Whirlpool Country, and sole survivor of the Uzumaki clan, leave all of my financial earnings and possessions to my husband, Minato Namikaze. In the event that I die, should Minato be unable to take the inheritance due to his death, then everything will be given to any children we may have when they reach the age of fifteen. The inheritance includes:

-$3,456,786,465 in my personal account

-$798,243,543,234 of the former Uzushiogakure no Sato's treasury. This can only be accessed by the blood of the Kyubi's Jinchuriki.

-All the Celestial Weapons of the Uzumaki clan, which are blood sealed at the residence of Minato Namikaze

-My Medical-Ninjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and sealing scrolls of Uzushiogakure no Sato which are blood seal at the residence of Minato Namikaze

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