Council Meeting and Dreams

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Flashback Location: Hokage Tower Time: 6:45pm

Naruto and his entourage were being escorted to the room where all of Konoha's Clan heads and civilian council were having a meeting. It seems after Naruto's little stunt with the villager pissed off and scared a lot of people and they were immediately asking for his execution. The Hokage denied the notion and said it was on a count of self defense and that the man didn't have the right to attempt to attack a boy who wasn't even a ninja, stating it was a dispute between two civilians. Many tried to argue but was instantly silenced when the old Hokage starting emitting killer intent that would make a herd of elephants piss on themselves.

Yelling and screaming could still be heard down the hall as they walked up but was stopped abruptly by the impressive amount of killer intent they were feeling behind the door but none were affected by pressure.

'Well well the old man has a set afterall. That or he is making a show in order to prove to me that he is looking out for my best interest, in thus Konoha's interest.' Naruto thought with a barely noticeable smirk.

The door opened to the room and was amused how many hidden and visible Anbu guards and Jounin were in the room.

'So I presume Naruto's little demonstration got some of the populous nervous. It may get a little messy hear after all' Cloud thought as his eyes put on a little edge to the crowd like a lion staring at his prey.

They were directed to stand in the middle of the room were they would stand in the center of all the council podiums. Naruto looked at most of the different people in the room to his head to analyze everyone and gauge their facial expressions. From what he was seeing he could tell that most of the civilians still looked at him with hatred and disgust in their eyes and faces. The Clan heads were either impassive, sleeping (Guess who), or all smiles on their faces, especially the woman with the two red marks running down her cheeks which was more of a seductive smile.

Tsume Inuzuka. Clan head of the Inuzuka and at once was a love interest of his father. But thats another story for another time.

She winked once to confirm his assumption as he winked back causing her to slightly blush.

Aerith turned her head to stare at Cloud who had the decency to look away.

Naruto stopped his fun and his gaze drifted to a man who gave him an emotionless stare. His white robe as well as his pupiless eyes reminded him of an old classmate so the blond knew for a fact that this man was a Hyuga. Hiashi Hyuga if he remembered correctly as he was told and read about him. He stares back just as impassive as the clan head as both of their eyes slightly narrowed as a small amount of KI could be felt in the room.

His gaze or the KI didn't go unnoticed by Yugito so she slowly started to step in front of Aerith only to get a kunai placed by her neck by a bearded Jounin with a cigarette in his mouth.

"DON'T YOU DARE MOVE BITCH!" the Jounin barked "OR I"LL...!"

"Or you'll what?" a feminine voice said the side of him. He slowly glanced over to notice the same girl he held the kunai against now at the side of him with a curved kunai at his crotch. Most of the other participants in the room could not even follow her moment at all. Movement like that hasn't been seen since the days of the Yondaime.

'Amazing. I could barely follow her movement' Sarutobi thought in surprise as he glanced over at another corner of the room and notice that one of his elite Jounin has put his orange book away and lifted his headband from over his left side of his face showing his crimson colored left eye with three tomoes in it and started swirling.

'That speed! That power! With her and the Kyuubi brat under my influence I can take over this village and next the world' a bandaged old man thought with an evil glint in his eye.

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