Team Meetings and Test Pt. 1

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AN: Just to clarify, in this universe Kushina didn't seal just a part of her soul. She sealed the entire thing so technically she didn't die and she has seen EVERYTHING! So she is extremely pissed!!!

With that said!


Three Days Later/ Root Headquarters

Danzo seethed with frustration.

Twice now, the Kyuubi Jinchuriki had dealt him humiliating blows.

It had required nearly all of his political clout and 'personal sway' within the village to quash the recent charges leveled against him after the tumultuous council meeting three days prior. Despite the sacrifice of four of his trusted ROOT operatives in a futile attempt to shield him from the Kyuubi's assault, investigations yielded no ties to him, nor could they extract any pertinent information from the fallen agents' minds. Many among the council, even the Hokage, were aware of his clandestine operations, yet proof remained elusive.

He harbored a profound love for his village, yet was dismayed by its direction over the years. Though he couldn't deny Konohagakure's significance in ninja history, he felt it fell short of its potential. In his vision, Konoha should inspire fear in its adversaries, rather than being perceived as meek and reactive.

Were he Hokage, he would realize this vision. He would compel the other Great Nations to kneel before Konoha's might, its shinobi trained to perfection under his guidance.

Konoha would stand unrivaled as the sole superpower.

Such musings only fueled his frustration, particularly when he considered the wasted potential represented by the Kyuubi Jinchuriki.

So much power, yet beyond his grasp.

Had he been given custody of the boy from the outset, he could have molded him into a weapon that would eclipse even his parents' legacies. With the combined strength of his mother's lineage, his father's intellect, and the inexhaustible chakra of the Kyuubi, the boy would have been an unrivaled asset to ROOT, obedient only to Danzo himself. But recent events had shaken the boy's loyalty to Sarutobi, leaving Danzo to lament the missed opportunity.

'Fugaku, this was not the way the plan was supposed to unfold!' Danzo fumed, his frustration palpable. Seven years meticulously strategizing how to acquire the boy, intending to mold him into his ultimate soldier. The attack was meant to leave the boy shattered, both physically and mentally, ripe for Danzo's shaping. Yet somehow, the boy emerged stronger, with an entourage capable of elemental attacks without a handsign. Not even Danzo's stolen Sharingan could decipher or replicate this power. With such ability at his disposal, the boy could bypass the time-consuming handsigns in battle, positioning himself to dominate not just Konoha but the entirety of the Five Great Nations.

His reverie was interrupted by the appearance of one of his undercover spies, swirling into view and kneeling before him. The spy's pallid complexion spoke of a life deprived of sunlight, clad in a black zip-up jacket that exposed his toned abdomen and part of his right arm. Standard attire for a ROOT Anbu member, his black pants, shoes, and kunai holster completed the ensemble, secured to his right upper leg.

"Report," Danzo commanded, snapping back to the present.

Unperturbed by his master's wrathful demeanor, the operative donned a forced smile, aiming to uplift him, even as he pondered the potential of kindness to counteract anger.

"It appears there will be a forthcoming test to gauge the Uzumaki's progress. My investigation suggests they'll face all Genin who pass their respective sensei's trials with their squads," the operative informed.

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