Prologue Part One: Days of Happiness

Start from the beginning

"Oh Ei! Look! Shooting stars! Come on! Let's make a wish!" Makoto pointed to the sky, Ei looked at the place where his sister was pointing, two stars passed through the sky, both golden in color.

"Don't be a child Makoto, that's something humans believe, it's not real" Ei said while looking at the stars, in his thousands of years he had seen millions of shooting stars, but he did not remember any that passed so close to the earth, it seemed as if they were going to crash into the ground.

"Ahh don't be boring, have some fun! Come on! I already know what I'm going to wish for, make yours! oh! But don't tell me! Otherwise, your dream won't come true" Ei watched as Makoto closed her eyes and mumbled something under her breath, after thinking about it for a bit, she decided that it wouldn't be a bad idea to try it, she has nothing to lose.

But what could she wish for? she didn't need anything in special, but... she couldn't go wrong with a sparring partner, Makoto didn't like those things very much and her other friends weren't strong enough to train seriously with her, someone she can count on to be by her side on the battlefield, a confidant who listens to her ideas and helps her when she needs it, okay! She already decided! she will wish for a partner!

Wait a second...that sounds looks like she's asking...for a boyfriend! Wait! I don't want anything! forget what I said! Ei thought in her mind while she still had her eyes closed, but as she tried to forget her wish she could feel her sister shaking her by the shoulders.

"EI! Ei!" Makoto yelled at his sister as Ei opened her eyes and saw clouds of smoke rising from the ground behind a small hill in front of them.

"Wha-what happened?" Ei asked confused

"The shooting star crashed in front of us! Come, let's see the crater!" Makoto quickly ran towards the hole in the ground, Ei who took a few seconds to react, chased her sister at full speed.

"Makoto! Wait! It could be dangerous!" She yelled at her sister.

When the sisters reached the edge of the hole, they could not believe what they saw, inside it there were two figures, both very similar to a human being, one seemed to be a man, with blond hair, with a braid very similar to those that sisters wore, his clothes were quite strange, a shirt that did not cover his stomach and pants that seemed too big for him, both brown, the other seemed to be a woman, also with blonde hair, but she had a more normal outfit, very similar to a dress, this one was white.

"Makoto! What are you doing!?" Ei watched as her sister went down to the crater and sat in the middle of the apparent siblings, checking their injuries and if they were conscious. She quickly went down and stood next to her sister, they did not know if these beings were dangerous, this is something that always bothered her about her sister, although she did not know how to fight, she still got into dangerous situations all the time.

"They're still breathing, and their injuries don't look too serious, come help me"
Makoto lifted the girl in a bridal style carry, she looked towards Ei, as if indicating her to do the same with the boy.

"Makoto, what are you going to do?" Ei asked while looking at her sister with a serious face.

"Take them to the palace of course, someone has to take care of them, come on, grab the boy and let's go home" Makoto replied as he walked out of the crater with the girl in his arms, not listening to her sister's complaints.

"Hump! Everything is always done her way" Ei proceeded to carefully lift the boy into her arms, now that she sees him up close, he seems quite strong, his arm muscles are well defined, he probably exercises often, his face is quite cute too... wait! what is she thinking? With a little blush on her cheeks, Ei quickened her pace to catch up with her sister.

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