Chapter 50

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(Han Jisung)

After my mom hit me, everything went dark and I was left alone in the dark for a long time. I squeezed myself and stayed in the dark until some light came piercing through my arms. I looked up and there was Jeongin standing right in front of me, smiling at me. I stood up looked at the the little boy but he suddenly began crying. I crouched down to comfort but he wouldn't stop crying. I asked him why he wouldn't stop crying and he said "Because Hannie isn't waking up. I want Hannie back. I need my brother so badly. Please come back to me Hannie." I was sonfused. Why was he saying that I wasn't with him while I am standing right in front of him? Suddenly, all of the things in front of me began to get sucked up yby a black hole.

I opened my eyes and I looked around me. I was inside a white-painted room. And I heard a continuous beeping sound. I looked to my right and realized that I was in a hospital and it was night-time.

I started to panic. What happened to Jeongin? Was he alright? Is he with mom? Where is mom? Did she beat Jeongin up after I was sent to the hospital? I tried to move but I couldn't and out of the blue, a nurse came into my room. She looked at me calmly and asked me" Sir, how are you feeling?"
"I am alright. But can you tell me who brought me here?"
"Oh. Give me a second sir." She reads the file in her hand and says "A person named Lee Minho broguht you here. He gave all of your information while you were in surgery." I nodded to myself and thanked the nurse. She checked in my IV and heartbeat and left the room. I stared at the ceiling.

It was Minbi who brought me to the hospital. I thought that my mother brought me here. Glad to know that she hates me from the bottom of her heard. Vhf why does it hurt when I realized that my mom hates me? I knew about this my whole life. So why are you squeezing, heart?

I felt my cheek getting wet. I didn't try to hold it back. I just let the tear go and continued crying silently. I cried for about 15 minutes and suddenly the door slammed open. I didn't bother to turn my head thinking that it was my mother. But if my mother did come then there would be Jeongin. So I turned my head hoping to see Jeongin.

But when I turned my head I didn't see the person that I was hoping to see beside Jeongin. Jeongin came to me and cried while I tried to comfort him. Minho was standing by the corner and watching the both of our moment, smiling at us.

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