Chapter 16

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(Lee Minho)

In ten minutes, we were in the location and I got out of the car. Han was outside, waiting. When he was me get out of the car, he quickly ran over to me and hugged me. I hugged him. Ack and I saw a boy, with pale skin, staring at the both of us. Han broke the huga and said "Let me introduce the both of you. Jeongin, this is Lee Minho, my best friend and Minho, this is my brother, Jeongin." I put my hand out to give him a hand shake but he didn't even take his hands out his pockets. Han gave him a light hit on the head and asked me "Where are we going to?" I smiled at Han and said "That's a surprise." Then I opened the car door and said "Get in the car. We'll be alte." Han and Jeongin both got onto the car and I got on after them.

Han's brother was sitting in between me and Han. Han was looking out of the window while I was staring at him. He looked like a beautiful anglemade by the gods. He was mesmerizing in every way and form. His voice, his physique, his appearance, his appearance everything was well matched. I snapped out of my thoughts, when I heard the driver speak. He said "Sir, we have arrived at the place you wanted." I nodded and got off the car, waiting for Jeongin and Han to get out of the car.

The both of them got off the car and we're surprised to see an amusement park right before their eyes; Jeongin's jaw dropped by the sight in front of him. Han was looking around, kind of disappointed. I said "I will pay for all the rides. You don't have to worry about money. You guys just enjoy it." Han quickly looked at me and said "I actually thought that we were going to a café. I didn't even bring that much money because usually food doesn't cost that much. But if I knew that you were going to take us to the amusement park, I could have brought more money." I smiled reassuringly and said "You don't have to think about anything. Just enjoy the rides and the food in the amusement park. J have enough money to pay for all of the things." Han looked like a little kitten when he asked me if it was alright with me. I, again, reassured him that it was alright.

Han, Jeongin and I went into the amusement park. Jeongin wanted to go to the rollercoaster ride first. So we bought tickets for three people and got onto the ride. The ride had three seats in each row so we sat together in one row. Han sat in between Jeongin and me, while I sat to his left and Jeongin sat on his right. I looked over to the both of them before the ride began to move. Jeongin was smiling while Han was staring at him like a mother looking at her child, lovingly.

The ride began to move; first it escalated to a high position and when the curver was about end, Jeongin lifted his hands in excitement. Then all three of us began to scream when the ride went down on the cliff and began to go in twists. After a lot of twists and turns, the ride ended and we got off. Jeongin jumped off the rollercoaster happy about the ride. But Han seemed to be feeling bad. So I took his arm and began carrying him. He didn't say anything. Jeongin, who was concerned for his brother, followed us.

We went to the bench and I kept Han on the bench. I looked around and saw a small cart, selling water bottle. I said to Jeongin "Jeongin, wait with your brother until I bring him a bottle of water. Okay?" Jeongin nodded and sat beside Han. I quickly went to the cart and bought two water bottles, just in case one wasn't enough. I paid for the bottles and came back to Han. Jeongin was talking to Han while Han was humming in response. I gave Han a bottle of water. He took it and drank all of the water. Then I gave him the other water bottle and he took it to wash his face. He must have felt really nauseous when we rode the rollercoaster. We stayed for a while and then went on many other rides.

We played games and won prizes. The person who got the most number of prizes was Jeongin. Han wanst that interested in playing the games but, I won some plushies so that I could give them to Han when I confess to him. After a long time of playing, Jeongin said to Han "Hannie, I am hungry. Can we eat something?" Han smiled and said "Okay. What do you want to eat?" Jeongin went into a thinking mode. After seeing Jeongin thinking, I said "Well, I was actually feeling hungry and I know this really good place where theys ell home-made noodles." Jeongin's eyes lit up and he looked at Han, excitedly. Han frowned at him and shook his head. Then he looked over to me and said "I am sorry Minho. We can't actually be depending on you for every-"

"It's okay. I was the one who asked you to hang out with me no? So it is my responsibility to buy whatever you want. It is okay. Like I said before, I have enough money." Then I looked over to Jeongin, crouched down to his level and said "So do you want to have lunch with me?" Jeongin looked at Han with anticipation and Han sighed in agreement. Then Jeongin jumped like a puppy that got out of its cage after a long time.

For the first time in my life, I was able to be close to a kid without making them cry. Usually, kids don't like to stay with me because of my attitude and the real reason why I have that so called 'attitude' is because I don't know how to take care of a kid. I am the only child in my family so it is fair enough that I don't have experience but, I've always wanted to have a sibling, whether it is a brother or a sister.

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