Chapter 12

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(Lee Minho)

As time passed, we became close friends, we did everything together. Eventhoguh, at moments, w e would be separated, we stuck together like glue. The first year of high school ended and we are now in our second year.

Han was beginning to study really hard because he wanted to get a job and leave his parents. I also wanted to get rid of school, but I felt sad when I relaized that I won't be able to see Han ever again if he leaves school by the second year. So I persuaded him to stay until third year. It was sreally hard for em to convince him to stay till the end of third year but, he eventually agreed with me; because I wouldn't take no for an answer.

We continued being together as always. But I promised myself that this year I will ask Han out on a date and I am hoping to ask him out on his birthday. I could give him a birthday present and ask if he wanted to be my boyfriend after celebrating his birthday, like in the movies.

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