Chapter 33

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(Seo Changbin)

Master Minho came back to the aisle and sat down behind me. I went on caressing Jeongin's head because he fell asleep while crying for almost an hour.

After a few hours, the doctor came out of the emergency room. I ciuldnt stand up because I was too afraid that Jeongin would wake up if I moved. So I just sat where I was and listened to the doctor and master Minho talking.

The doctor said "The patient is alright for the moment. His right ear was injured, not the brain. He will wake up in a few minutes. He will have to wait a few days in the hospital until his ear is healed and we have to run some tests on his ear to check if he can hear from that ear. If his tympanic membrane is damaged, we will have to get him a hearing-aid. But for now his ear is alright."

I let outside of relief, relieved that Han was alright and that this kid wouldn't be living in the trauma after losing his brother. Master Minho thanked the doctor and sat down on the same place he was at.

Then I asked "Sir, what are you going to do with this kid? Until master Han comes out, will he have to live alone in that apartment?"

"I informed my mother that I was bring him over to our home. Mom said alright. So we will check on Han's room number and go home."

"Okay master." I gently picked Jeongin up in the hopes of not waking him up. When I stood up, he nuzzled up to my neck and went on sleeping. My heart stopped beating; I thought that he woke up because I moved.

We followed the nurse into the emergency room and master Minho stared at master Han who was peacefully sleeping with one of his ears bandaged. The nurse said that the reception area will give the information about Han's room. We thanked her for the help and left the hospital after getting Han's room number.

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