Happy Birthday, Kyouka

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"I'm your only child."

"Doesn't change the sentiment. But, that's not all. I've picked up a little trick!" Kyoutoku said excitedly, whipping out a knife.

Kyouka's brows rose at the sight of the blade, "Oh boy..."

"I've watched multiple different Youtube videos on how to do this, and I can officially say I am a master. And, now, with a single slice of my knife, I will serve you the perfect omurice." Kyoutoku sliced the pillowly eggs, releasing somehow still raw egg whites onto the rice underneath. Kyoutoku stared down at his dish, completely baffled, as his daughter laughed her ass off. "Oh what the hell?! How?! I-! You know what? Screw this."

Kyoutoku turned back around, walking through the side door into the kitchen, returning with the toaster. He adjusted a dial on the laser, aiming it at Kyouka's plate, and zapping her eggs until they fried into a fluffy, pastel yellow.

Mika shook her head as her husband smirked proudly, "I really should take that away from you, but it makes you so happy."

Kyoutoku nodded, patting the toaster, "That it does. Tell your friend Hatsume that I want to invest in her business once she graduates."

"That..." Izuku hummed to himself, nodding his head, "...is actually probably a very good idea, business-wise."

"As long as you have coverage for property damage," Kyouka added in between bites.

Knitting his brows together, Kyoutoku gazed back and forth between the two teens, "Property Damage? Why?"

Izuku and Kyouka looked at each other before turning back to him, "No reason." / "No reason."

Kyoutoku frowned on confusion but before he could question them further, Mika grabbed her daughter by the shoulders, "Before this turns into a whole thing, let's go get you dolled up. You can eat while you get ready."

Kyouka furrowed her brow, picking up her plate as she got up, "Get ready for what?"

"You'll see. Now, c'mon, I have to make sure my Birthday Girl is looking her best."

Kyouka raised a brow, watching Izuku's eyes shift to the side at Mika's comment. She smirked at him, her jack reaching under Izuku's chin and directed his eyes back to her. "It took everything in your power not to say I always look my best, didn't it?"

"...I mean it was right there."

Kyoutoku drooped his head with a groan, "Kid, you are so god-damn cheesy. How does it somehow work on my own daughter?"

Kyouka shrugged as her mom began to lead her up the steps, "A girl wants what a girl wants."

Izuku smiled as he watched her go, turning back to Kyoutoku, keeping his voice as low as possible, "Is everything ready?"

"Should be, kid," Kyoutoku reassured him. "You know, a bit of advice: You might wanna save more big gestures like this for the future. You don't wanna run out of ideas too soon."

"Counter Argument," Izuku pointed back, "I want to get all of these big ideas out of the way now, because odds are after years of being heroes, we'll want more and more simple and quiet celebrations instead. Besides, Kyouka and I both aren't ones for big celebrations anyway, but we don't know what the future holds. If this is my only chance, I'm taking it."

"Hm, fair enough."

"Besides, she gave me the best birthday I've ever had. It's not a competition, but I have to reciprocate my appreciation."

Kyoutoku peered at him confused, "All she did was invite your friends over."

Izuku smiled, getting up from his chair, "Exactly. I'm gonna wait outside and call said friends, just to make sure nothing has fallen apart down there. Which, with my luck, is definitely a possibility."

AMP (IzuJirou)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz