Road to Midterms

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Okay, I'll be the first to admit this chapter isn't exactly my magnum opus or anything like that.

This chapter is literally a set-up chapter.

You think I'm exaggerating? Literally every single scene in this chapter is set-up for one future event or another. That's mostly why it's a fairly "Jump-Cutty" and disjointed chapter. It skips around a lot, as there's about a month of dead air between now and the midterms, and I don't want to waste time where I don't have to.

A/N: I'll be showing more stuff from this month, but it will time-skip in places to get us through this and into the really good bits.

Especially summer vacation. HOOOOO BOY, do I have plans for summer vacation. So look forward to that.

Also, this chapter took longer than anticipated, due to a lot of things. Unfortunately one of those was writer's block, but I pushed through.

Anyway, hopefully you still enjoy this chapter, and I promise things will AMP up as we continue into this next story arc.


Izuku slipped his finished sketch into his backpack, cracking his knuckles and stretching his fingers after his work was done. He turned back to the window nook, smiling as he saw Kyouka still strumming away.

He moved towards her, watching her scoot forward to make room for him. He sat behind her, wrapping his arms around her torso. But, Kyouka had other plans. She took his hands and moved them off of her body, slipping the pick between his fingers and placing them at the body and neck of the guitar.


"C'mon, play."

"I've practiced guitar only a handful of times."

"So you've gotta practice more. Do you remember all the chords?"

"Yeah, I got it." Izuku began playing with no real song in mind, just getting the feeling down. It was honestly an experience he really never thought about before meeting Kyouka. Learning to play instruments hadn't been on the top of his list of priorities, or even on the list at all.

Then again, before Kyouka his only hobby was analyzing quirks in a desperate attempt to realize a pipe dream, so the list wasn't exactly that long to start with. But, it was nice, a good stress reliever.

"Hey, I forgot to ask," Kyouka spoke up. "Have you heard from Shimura at all?"

Izuku shook his head as he continued picking away at the strings, "Not since before the Hero Killer fight."

"Does everything important have to be cryptic bullshit?"

"Eh, kinda."

"I don't get it. If they can communicate with you, why haven't they said anything before? And, when they do, they decide to give you a couple flashes and then go away. What about All Might? I feel like he's done plenty to earn a conversation, especially from his supposed mother-figure."

Izuku gave a dry chuckle, "To be fair, All Might didn't struggle like I did. He never struggled with One For All."

"Because he's probably responsible for most of its power. He's been doing this for like, what, thirty years?"

"Don't get mad at him for that."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not a completely judgemental asshole."


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