I Am Here

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A/N: Okay, first of all.

Yo, who made a TV Tropes page for AIV?! You have no idea how happy that makes me. TY got one a long time ago, and I thought it was really cool. And now AIV has one to grow, too?I don't know why it just makes me feel special. Thank you!


Now, I have an important announcement in the end author's notes, but for now...

...Who wants a goofy cold-opening to an otherwise extremely serious chapter?


( A Few Days Later: Kyouka's Room )

Izuku peeked his eyes open, a sunbeam hitting the floor next to the bed. He stretched his legs out, his feet hitting another pair that rested behind his.

This caused Izuku to hear sleepy grumbles from behind him as Kyouka's fingers tried to wedge between his arm and his side. He raised his arm up, allowing Kyouka's arm to slip through and wrap around his body.

Izuku smiled as Kyouka nuzzled in between his shoulder blades and sighed against his skin. "Good morning."

"Morning doesn't start until I get out of bed."

"Is it safe to assume that I don't get out of bed until you do?"

"It's not the wildest idea," Kyouka smiled, pressing a kiss to his back.

Izuku could feel Kyouka's jacks perk up, aiming towards the door. "What?"

Kyouka stretched out against him, a yawn escaping his throat, "A car pulled up to the drive. Probably the mailman."

Izuku furrowed his brow, raising to rest on his elbow, "What day is it?"

"Sunday," Kyouka mumbled.

"...What day do your parents come back again?"




Izuku suddenly felt a foot on his back, kicking him out of the bed and onto the floor. He rubbed his back, sitting up as the blankets that fell with him pooled around his legs. Izuku watched Kyouka blitz across the room, throwing his clothes towards his bag.


"You gotta pack! We need every trace of you out of this house before they get up here!"


"What else? Uh, uh, oh! Your toothbrush! Crap, and you might have hair in the drain! You even said my dad would freak out if he found one green hair!"


"Ah, screw it! Just throw your stuff into my closet, jump out the window, and then come around the front and pretend you just got here! I'll distract them!" Kyouka rushed for her door, throwing it open.


She flipped around, stopping her panicked whirlwind in its tracks, "What?!"

Izuku reached up onto the bed, pulling a t-shirt down and extending it out to her, "Shirt."

Kyouka looked down, their activities the night prior coming back to her as she realized she was only in her bra and shorts.

"Shit! Thanks!" Kyouka grabbed the shirt and threw it over her head as she rushed out the door. Running down the hall and down the stairs, Kyouka rushed into the hall behind the stairs towards the laundry room. She picked up a random basket of clothes and threw the clothing into the dryer and turned it on.

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