"I was Sam's bestfriend." He smirked at Chris who sent him an aggravated look.
"For a while I thought Sam had a thing for Don, but turns out she couldn't resist my charms." he winked at Sam who blushed beet red.
"Ewww dad." Ash groaned.
I couldn't help the grin that escaped but soon enough the room fell into a tense silence.
"What I believe is that someone wants revenge for Chelsea's death. An eye for an eye, you see." Her grey eyes landed on Dante, who fidgeted slightly "And so we come to the topic of Peyton's disappearance."

"Disappearance?" Dante scoffed with a scowl "She was kidnapped."
I watched as the Alpha opened up a drawer in his desk and took out a book. Volume 7 it read on the side in roman numerals. It was white with a big wolf in front with the words Middleton High School scrawled on the bottom. A yearbook, I realized.
He turned to a page before handing it over to Dante who grabbed it cautiously.
"What am I looking for exactly?" He murmered in confusion.
"Chelsea Holland." Sam replied.

His eyes raked down the names list until he landed on it, tracing his finger to the correct picture. His eyes widened in disbelief.
I took a step forward and I stared at disbelief at the black and white picture. Peyton. Or at least she looked almost identical to her.
"When you first introduced her to us, I knew something was off. " Chris admitted, his lips in a thin line "It didn't hit me until after the notes started showing up that something could be up. So I had Ash and Ashley keep an eye on your whole group, while I had a private investigator keep an extra close eye on Peyton. Unfortunately, he couldn't dig anything up, but whats the chance the rouges only decided to grab Peyton when we were all unconscious for a good fifteen minutes?"
His jaw was tightly clenched and he abruptly stood up from the chair he was in, causing it to topple over.

He stalked forward, his good hand braced on the mahogany desk.
His breathing was uneven, his anger clearly visible.
Brent took a step forward, his stance defensive, but Chris waved him off. He stared at him unwavering as Chris stood up meeting him glare for glare.
Sam stood nearby a worried look on her face while Lance and Ash watched Dante warily.
"You're telling me that all this time you suspected Peyton was the mole and didn't tell me ?" he demanded.
"And for you to act irrationally and ruin this investigation ?" Chris growled back, obviously not liking Dante's tone.

"I had a right to know !" His voice rose as he yelled at him.
Chris's jaw clenched tightly as he tried to control his temper.
"Remember who you're talking to, Dante."
The words were like a slap to his face as his shoulders hunched.
"Peyton's not the mole, and instead of being out there looking for her, you're in here pointing fingers" He growled.
"The question here is, if she was the mole how did she get on our territory without being detected?" Ash, asked. "Wouldn't she smell like rogue?"
Dante sent a glare Ash's way.
"I'm not certain." Chris said sitting back down, Sam immediately wrapping her arms around him.

As of now I had kept my mouth shut, but now I spoke up.
"Amy took blood from me the night after that party where I supposedly tried to get with Peyton." All eyes turned to me "She didn't know what type of drug it was. I think the rouges are developing different types of serums that may affect us more than others. If Amy where to take your blood, I bet that she wouldn't know that type of drug either."
They got a wondering look on their face, Dante sending daggers my way.
"So you're saying that Peyton drugged you ?" Lance asked in disbelief "For what possible reason?"
"Isn't it obvious?" I rolled my eyes "She wanted Ashley to be weak. She knew I wouldn't even let Ashley out of my sights at Prom."
"That a jab at me, huh ?"Aaron scowled darkly. "What did you expect me to do, follow her into the damn bathroom?"

"What you had to do was protect my..." I had to stop myself from saying mate "girlfriend."
"Ex-girlfriend, you mean ?" His nostrils flared in anger.
"Soon to be girlfriend again." I snapped.
"Guys." Raven sighed in exasperation getting in between us, and I finally noticed that during our little fight we had gotten almost nose to nose. "Stop with all this fighting we have to figure what the hell we're gonna do to get Ashley back."
With one final glare at Aaron I stepped back and leaned against the wall once more.
"It's all my fault." Dante's words penetrated through the air.

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