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Start from the beginning

Ryan had a half smile on his face, "You know, every intern class has its runt of the litter. Keep this up, and this year it's gonna be you. Let's go," Ryan said to his sister, "Get up."

Lexie stood up, "Grab a sling from the box and come with me," Ryan told his sister, "With you?" Ryan hummed, "If you'd rather being sitting in here like a loser doing charts, you can. Or you can come with me and be on ortho with me today. Your choice." Ryan told her as Lexie grabbed a sling from the box.

"Hello! Watch the shoulder!"

Alex looked at George who now held a bridesmaid dress in hand, "Oh, check it out. Bambi's a bridesmaid." Alex chuckled whilst Ryan rolled his eyes at the resident's comment.


"Now Jackie?" Callie said when Ryan and Lexie watched as Alex held Jackie's leg in place, "Dr Karev and I are going to do this on the count of three, ok?"

Jackie looked at them, "I should totally win over that Helena girl. I'm way more injured that she is." Jackie said about her competitor, "I should just win by default—"

"One, two—" Callie pushed the shoulder in place to which Jackie screamed, "Is it in?" Lexie questioned to what Callie feels around Jackie's shoulder, "It popped back out." Alex said about Jackie's shoulder bone.

Callie looked at them, "She's gonna need surgery." Jackie looked at them, "Whoa. Hey!" Jackie said looking up at the attending, "I got to get back to my dress." She said about her competition, "Just wrap bandages around it!" She yelled at them, "You would rather hold onto a dress with a dislocated shoulder than let me repair it in surgery now?"

"I can have surgery anytime." Jackie said trying to assure Callie, "I can only win this wedding once." Ryan looked at Callie who makes a face as Ryan also made a face at the women's words.


Ryan watched as George held onto the wedding dress, "So, what, he just—stands there and holds a dress?" Cristina questioned when she came towards the group, "I know." Meredith swung her leg back and forward, "I thought it was going to be exciting, too," Meredith admitted about the competition.

"A monkey could hold a dress." Cristina stated as she crossed her arms over her chest, "Actually—" George said when Cristina turned her head to look at him, "It's a lot harder than it looks,"

Helena looked at George, "Don't let them get to you." She said, "Tune them out. All of them. It's the only way to get through it." She said to the intern who held onto the dress, "Sweetie, he's your competition m. Don't help him." Helena's fiancé said.

"You ever give morphine to people who aren't patients?" The prize annoucer said, "This kind of blows." Cristina said, "It's more fun when you heckle," Alex said, "Don't heckle George,"

Cristina started to walk away from them, "Whatever. I got something way better than this." Cristina said as she walked away, "Something that tops O'Malley playing bride?"

"Skydiver video." Cristina said holding the video tape in hand, where Meredith and Alex moved before Meredith went back and took her brother's arm.

"What are we doing?" Izzie questioned when she saw her friends go into a room, "Video." Ryan said with his eyes directed to the small tv screen, "From the helmet of a skydiver without a chute." Alex said to Izzie without turning back.

Cristina pressed play on the remote, "You guys are sick." Izzie said to her friends, "It's not a snuff film. The guy's survives." The man took another step falling out of the airplane without his parachute working, "He's going for the chute. And it doesn't open!"

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