Chapter eighty-two

Start from the beginning

"It's okay.. Dad, Vic, Max and all my friends helped me, but the one who really helped me like no other did, was Charles, he is the best person in the entire world.. But we broke up after I lost the baby, and that was one of the hardest times in my life, I needed you there. But you weren't there, you decided to say rude things about me, Charles and our unborn baby, that hurt" I said and took a deep breath, because I didn't wanna cry now.. "And that I'm so sorry for, I also lost a baby once and I know it's the worst. I should have been there guiding you through the pain and process. Sorry, I wish you could forgive me someday, it doesn't have to be now, I understand if you need time" she said. I thought a little about it and I didn't need more time. "I accept your apology, if you will give my husband a chance, I know you will love him. And also our kids, your grandkids" I smiled. "Thank you, thank you so much. I never thought we would be standing here again as mother and daughter, but I'm so happy we are. I love you Olivia, I love you so much and I will never treat you differently again.. and I would love to meet Charles and my grand babies, I already missed the first year of their life, I don't wanna miss a minute more" she smiled and stood up, and so did I. I pulled her into a hug, the first hug I shared with her in many years..

"I love you too mom, will you meet my babies?" I asked and her eyes lit up. "What for real? Right now? Don't you wanna talk with Charles about it first?" She asked. "It's okay, I know he wants me to decide whenever you can meet them.." I smiled. "Okay then, yes of course I will!" She then answered. "Great, I'll be right back. I'm just gonna get them" I said and then went a couple doors down the hall to Kelly, Max and P's room.

I quickly talked to Kelly and she was so happy we had sorted everything out, and happy for all of us that my mom could finally meet Matheo and Elena.

I walked inside our hotel suite again where my mom was patiently waiting. "Hey mom, this is your grandbabies" I said and walked closer to her with one in each arm. "Wow, hi my beautiful grandbabies! I can't believe it, you're really a mother, Olivia" she smiled big as she saw them. "Yeah.. this is Matheo he is a true copy of me, and this is Elena she is a true copy of Charles. I mean they both look mostly like Charles, but their personalities are not to be confused with" I laughed. "Oh my god, they are so beautiful. Hi you two I'm your grandmother, I'm so sorry I haven't met you yet, but I promise you. I already love you with all my heart" she said and then held Matheo in her arms first. "This is your grandmother, my mom" I said to Elena as I was holding her, and pointed at my mom. They were happy, they laughed and looked around like always. "I think they like you" I laughed. "That's good, because I will never let go of them again" she smiled. - "Olivia, I'm proud of you.. you have established a beautiful life, even with all the horrible things life has thrown at you, you are a lucky and beautiful woman today. You have your dream husband and two perfect kids, I'm so proud of you sweetheart" she said and gave me a little kiss on my cheek.. - "thank you mom, that's so sweet of you! Now you only have to meet Charles properly, are you free on Sunday after the race? I'm sure he would love to meet you as well" I asked. "I am, let's make that a deal!" She smiled..

We talked for a while, I told her lots of things she had missed out on the past few years. I told her all about the twins and my wedding. It truly felt wonderful to have talked everything out with my mom, because even though she has been the meanest bitch alive, I have still loved her, because she is my mom after all.


It was now Sunday and race day, the best day of a race week. Charles arrived a bit earlier today than me and the twins, because he had meetings with the teams and a few interviews. So there was no reason for us to be there so early.

I got Matheo and Elena dressed and then I got ready myself. It didn't take long, so afterwards I grabbed my bag and then we headed towards the track. Matheo and Elena was both wearing a Ferrari shirt with Charles number 16, it was the cutest!

When we arrived I met a few fans who were so nice, so I talked with them for a few minutes which they seemed to enjoy. - Then I just scanned my paddock pass and walked through, and towards Ferrari.

On my way I met Pierre, so I quickly exchanged a few words with him and then he greeted his godson and "niece" since we call him uncle Pierre.

"Hi, there's my favorite people" Charles said as he saw me and the twins walking inside the Ferrari hospitality. "Hi babe" I answered and gave him a kiss, and then he said hi to his kids. "Are you ready for the race?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah, I feel like the car is perfect this week. So hopefully we can take another win home" he smiled. "That's good, of course you can win" I answered with a smile.

We spent some time together before it was almost time to go racing. "Good luck babe, be safe!" I said as we were in his driver's room while we got ready. "Thank you love, I will." he answered and zipped up his race suit. "Great, I love you. We all do" I said and talked on the twins behalf. "I love you too," he said and gave all three of us a kiss. He then handed me both his usual black ring and also his wedding ring since they aren't allowed to wear jewelry when driving. So I always keep it safe in the meantime.

Then he walked towards his car and we walked to the back of the garage. Matheo and Elena got some hearing protection for their ears since there was a lot of noise in the garage. - After approximately half an hour the cars were fully ready, all the drivers were inside the cars and the formation lap was starting in just a matter of seconds.

After the formation lap, the five red lamps went out and the race began. Everything went great, Charles got a phenomenal start, which was important if he wanted to keep the lead in the championship.

The whole race was quite chilled, not much action happened and all twenty drivers finished the race, which was wonderful. But the best part was Charles got p2! He is still leading since Max finished 6th due to a penalty, and Carlos won.

We watched the podium as always from parc ferme, watching Charles up there is definitely one of my favorite things ever, I'm so proud of him!

The whole night went fast, Charles had all his usual interviews and post race conference, but now it was time for him to meet my mom since she and I had talked everything out! And I was actually quite excited for it.

Everything went perfectly, Charles forgot everything she had said about him and I, and mom apologized for everything. Then we just talked and they got to know each other. We all had a good time, which is the most important thing.


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That was it for this chapter, I really hope you liked it! This is probably the second last chapter, so stay tuned for possibly the last one! Anyways, take care. Lots of love from me 🤍✨

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