Chapter seventy-one

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Olivia's pov:

January 2024

Christmas and New Years went by fast, and we had entered a new year, 2024!

"Are you sure you have written it all down?" Charles asked and laughed. "Don't laugh, I just want to have everything written down in case they need it!" I answered. "I'm sure they both have been babysitting before" Charles smiled and gave me a little kiss on my cheek before he walked in and changed Matheo's diaper. "Please be nice to your uncles today Ellie" I said and took Elena up from the floor where she was laying on a playmat.

Today Max and Daniel are babysitting the twins for the first time, whilst Charles and I are headed to France for a few hours, where we're gonna visit different locations for our wedding! And I'm so excited. It feels so real, I'm really getting married this year..

Charles went to open the door after a knock on the door, and in walked Max and Daniel. "Hey the best babysitters in the world are here" Max said and went to give Charles and I a hug, and so did Daniel.. "Hey guys, thanks for taking them today" I smiled. "Don't thank us, we'll do anything to spend the day with my favorite babies," Daniel answered. "I agree" Max answered.

I told them everything they needed to know before we had to go. "I think we got it all covered Oli" Max laughed and so did Daniel and Charles. "Yeah I know, it's just weird for me to leave them!" I smiled and kissed Matheo and Elena goodbye, and so did Charles. "And you two, you'd better be good to your uncles" I smiled to the twins. "Don't worry Livia, they will be the best! Now go plan your wedding" Daniel smiled. "Okay we will, call us if there is the slightest".. "Yes they will love, let's go" Charles laughed and the others nodded. - Then we walked out of the door, it felt weird not having the twins with me, I mean I've been out a few times without them but this is the first time where I'm not gonna be around them for many hours, plus we'll be in a different country.

We walked down to the car and drove towards France, which is just about half an hour away.

"It feels good right?" Charles asked. "What does?" I asked as we got into the car. "To be alone without kids, I mean of course I'm gonna miss them but it's nice" he answered "yeah you're right" I laughed. It really was nice being without kids, without hearing them crying and now having both hands to yourself. - I'm still gonna miss them, but I know they will be just fine with two of their many wonderful uncles.

After half an hour listening to music, talking and laughing with my favorite human we arrived in Nice, France. First up we visited a beautiful castle that we had been looking at for a long time, everything was pretty here. The castle was white with lots of nature around, perfect for a wedding reception.

"Hello, you must me Mr. Leclerc and the coming Mrs. Leclerc?" A woman asked. "That's right, lovely to meet you" I said and shook her hand. "You too, my name is Chantelle and I'll be showing you around this place today" she smiled and also shook Charles hand of course.

She showed us the outdoor area where the wedding ceremony will take place, and it had a beautiful lookout point to nature behind the castle. Then we saw inside the castle where the party will take place, and it was huge! It had a eating area, huge bar and a big dance floor next door! What's not to like?

After seeing everything this place had to offer, we decided to take a little walk alone in the park belonging to the castle.. "So what do you think, love?" Charles asked. "I love it so much, it's perfect! But at the same time, do we really think this is us?" I asked. "I love it too, it's beautiful and I could definitely see us getting married here.. but yeah at the same time this just feels a bit much" he answered and I nodded.

"Maybe we should visit the next place I've been looking at, it's more down to earth but still big and beautiful".. "Let's do it, but we agree that this is not a no but also not a yes right?".. "yeah exactly, let's decide later when we have taken it all in" I smiled and so did he. I'm really glad we're on the same page about this, because otherwise this wedding planning would take ages since both of us are really stubborn.

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