Chapter fifty-one

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Olivia's pov:
August 2022

"Wow, todays the day.." Charles said as we had just woken up after a good night's sleep. "Yeah, it's gonna be a great day" I smiled and so did he.. Today is the day where we are moving into our penthouse apartment. I'm so excited, I can't wait to see it again. Last time we went to the apartment they were setting up the kitchen we chose, and they were painting the walls. So I can't wait to see the final result.

We had gathered a great team of people to help today. Max, Kelly, Pierre, Arthur, Lorenzo, Pascale, Daniel, Lando and then my dad was in town to help as well. So it's a strong and solid team we build. Obviously it would be easier to hire someone to do all this for us, but there's something about doing it ourselves I really like.

Everything was ready to go, now we just waited for our family and friends to arrive. The first ones to arrive were Max, Kelly and Arthur. "Hey Oli, are you ready to move?" Arthur asked as he walked into the apartment where I was standing alone since Charles, Kelly and Max were doing something else . "Hi Arth, yeah I'm so ready!" I smiled. "Great, let's get you guys out of this place then".. "let's do it" I said and then we went to grab a few boxes and lift them into the big moving truck..

After about half an hour everyone had arrived, we were lifting boxes, furniture and just about everything into the truck. While we did it we had so much fun, it probably took a bit longer than we expected, but it's fine.

When the moving truck drove away there was only Charles and I left in the apartment. Everything was empty, not a single thing in here, only him and I. "This is weird" he said and went to give me a hug. "Yeah, I can't believe this is where everything started," I smiled. "Me neither, but the new place will be even more special. It's our place together, and we're gonna live there for a long time, might even start a family there" Charles said and looked me in the eyes. "I couldn't wish for more then" I smiled and went to give him a little kiss. "Now onto the next chapter in our lives" I said and took his hand. "Let's do this" he smiled, then we walked out of the apartment together and locked the door for the last time.
We drove towards the new apartment where the moving truck and almost everyone else had arrived and were ready to carry all the stuff into the new apartment.

We unlocked the door to the new apartment, walked inside and a wonderful smell hit us right away. It was the smell of a completely new apartment, fresh paint, fresh floors, new kitchen and a few other things we designed into the apartment. "Welcome home, love" Charles said as we were standing in the big living room that had the most gorgeous view of the city, and a few doors out to the huge balcony. "Yeah, welcome home babe" I said as he pulled me into a little hug.

Everyone took a look around the apartment, and they loved it. "Congratulations on your new home sweetheart" my dad said as he had taken a good look around the apartment. "Thanks dad, you like it?" I asked. "I love it, it's a perfect home for you and Charles" he said. "Yup I agree with your dad!" Daniel interrupted with a big smile. "Thanks guys" I smiled.

We moved everything into the apartment, and after a little over an hour we were finished. We ordered pizza for everyone because we all were seriously starving! - a few of the guys were doing some of the heavier lifting, while Kelly, Pascale and I were hanging up all our clothes, which would easily take ages. I have so much, and to be honest Charles has a lot as well.

We were standing in the big walk in closet, where we just hung up all the clothes. "So, I was actually thinking about something" I said as I was hanging up some of Charles' clothes. "Yeah?" Kelly answered. "So, I know I've only been engaged for a few days so I'm not in a hurry.. but I was wondering if you guys would like to come with me someday and try wedding dresses?" I asked, both Pascale and Kelly smiled big immediately. "Of course we will, we would be honored" Pascale said and couldn't resist giving me a hug. "Thanks! I was thinking of asking Isa and Vic as well, I'm not sure if my mom wants to come to be honest" I said. "Good idea, we'll be there for you" Kelly smiled.

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