Day 25, Fairy

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Fairies let of a pink sort of glow, and dwell in places with particularly beautiful scenery.

Tags: Zelda/Link, Fluff

"What is that?" Zelda asked, pointing into the forest, off the path.

They'd kept close to the trail so far, with only a minor detour for a few minutes to look at some mushrooms. Zelda pointed into the trees, stopping in her tracks. Link backed up to stand next to her, and glared at where she was pointing to. Then his eyes lit up. This, he decided, was a great reason for a detour.

" Stay very quiet, and follow me," he signed, ducking a little to hide between the bushes. Zelda followed suit.

They creeped through the bushes and trees until they were closer to the subject of interest. Blue nightshade and silent princesses and silent shrooms lit the area in a pretty blue light. A faint pink glow flitted between the trees, and if you listened close enough you could hear the faint sound of a voice.

" Do you hear it? " Link asked. Zelda shook her head.

Huh. Perhaps it was a voice meant only for him. He knew he'd heard it before, while adventuring, whispering to him from the bottles in his pack or flitting through the air, or when they granted him a bit of strength in a particularly difficult battle.

Zelda crouched beside him, staring intently at the light as they got closer.

A few fairies came into view around a little puddle. It was quite a serene picture, a place the old Link would probably make a camp to sleep for the night.

"What are they?" Zelda whispers, staring in wonder at the fairies. The pink and blue lighting her face so beautifully Link almost grabbed the Sheikah slate to take a picture of her. Instead he resorted to committing the scene to memory.

"Fairies. They have healing magic."

Link took an empty jar from his bottomless back, his movements slow and seamless so he didn't scare the tiny creatures away. Before Zelda could blink Link had moved, and a moment later two of the three fairies were inside the jar.

"Here," he said out loud. He handed the jar to Zelda, who took it in somewhat of a daze.

The fairy didn't seem to mind the containment. It flitted around the jar, occasionally hitting the glass half-heartedly with a soft tink .

"I wonder what kind of help these guys could be," Zelda asked softly.

"They heal people. I used to keep a few on me while I was adventuring. They would heal me then go free. They were quite helpful." In more ways than one, but he wasn't about to tell Zelda about the voices he heard from them, lest she think he was losing his mind.

"They're beautiful," she said softly.

When Link replied, he wasn't looking at the fairy in the jar, or the scenery. He was looking at Zelda, cast in a blue and pink glow that made her look ethereal, every bit like the goddess that flowed through her blood.

"It is beautiful," he said.  

I don't have anything for tomorrow :/ If I skip it, I apologize lol.

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