Day 17, Prophesy

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Zelda and Link met their fair share of interesting characters while traveling. On the road across Central Hyrule, however, Zelda and Link meet someone they're not sure what to think of.

Tags: Light Angst, Age of Calamity, Gen, Alternate Universe, post botw

Zelda and Link met their fair share of interesting characters while traveling. It was part of the job, Zelda said. To help the people, one has to know them, and what they're like. So they talk to everyone. Or, Zelda does, at least. She talks to merchants on the road, the clerk at the shops, the patrons at the stables, the mayors and elders of towns and villages, the children playing outside. Link watches. He listens. He never misses a single conversation she has, and smiles while he does so.

Zelda rarely meets people she dislikes. Zelda, Link is sure, can make friends with anyone. She made friends with the infamous flowerblight Ganon in just an hour. The only people he's sure she didn't like are the Yiga. But then again, who would like people that threaten your life every other day?

On the road across Central Hyrule, however, Zelda and Link meet someone they're not sure what to think of.

It was what appeared to be an man on the older side, with dark clothes and a hunched back. He wore dark clothes, and a hood over his head. His hair peeking out from underneath was gray, and they never got a good look at his face. They were passing on the road, and for once, Zelda didn't initiate the conversation.

"My, you two look familiar," the man said, his voice gravely and old.

Zelda curtseyed politely. Link's hair stood on end, and his hand itched to reach for his sword. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Princess Zelda, and this is my knight, Sir Link." Link smirked a little despite himself at the title. She insisted on using it, even though it was really outdated. "What is your name?" she asked.

She glanced at Link sidelong, a warning look in her eyes. You sense that, too? she seemed to ask. Link nodded, just barely. Ready to jump into action.

"Ah, yes. Princess Zelda, and her appointed knight. I have seen your pictures in the paper." Zelda nods softly. They're in the paper more than Link would like, honestly. "You two are doing great things for the kingdom. Amazing what you're doing, despite your tragic story."

The man sounded almost bitter, talking about their tragic story. Link's feet shifted into a defensive position, ever so subtly.

The man noticed, though, and chuckled. "No need for that, boy. I am powerless in my old age." A sinister grin appeared on the bit of his face they could see, like he lifted his head just enough to get the picture. Link was surprised, but didn't drop his defensive stance. "It was a pleasure meeting you," he said after a tense moment. Then he began walking past them.

He was a few feet behind them when Zelda called after him, "What is your name, sir?"

The man turned around enough to flash another wicked grin.

"My name is Astor."

He continued walking. For Zelda and Link, the name didn't ring a bell. But oh, Astor knew. The taste of defeat was still bitter on his tongue. Perhaps, in a far-off universe, he was victorious in his plans.  

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