(19) Hugs, Baby Carrots, and Medicine

Start from the beginning

BASIL looked away from her and quickly went past KEL, walking to the door. "Yeah..."

KEL rubbed his neck and sighed as he swiveled around, walking behind BASIL as they both left.

Everyone was quiet after they left. MARI was obviously stung by what he said, even after years of hearing it, it still made her feel awful. HERO comforted her and held her hand, letting her lean against his shoulder. A long exhale was heard as no one knew how to break the silence...

But it was broken abruptly by coughing. AUBREY looked to SUNNY quickly, suspecting it was him until she saw him staring at his sister. She was coughing into her elbow, becoming more and more strained as she cleared her throat.

This made HERO press his hand against her head, shocked by what he felt.

HERO: "Woah- MARI, you're burning up!" He quickly stood up and faced her. "Why didn't you say anything? W-We need to get you to DR. HAPU, or someone!"

MARI held a hand out and shook her head. "N-No, no I'm fine! I-Its nothing, I-" She cut herself off, coughing again into her elbow before feeling HERO pull her up.

HERO: "No If's, And's, or But's. We're taking you to a DOCTOR, ASAP, got it? You should've gone to one ages ago."

She looked up and wanted to retort, but seeing his concern stopped her mid thought as she tried to think of an excuse. Then she remembered a certain Primordial Being's advice about taking care of herself. Even though she didn't want to be a bother... she knew she did have to get this taken care of.

MARI: "... O-Okay." She nodded quickly, coughing again.

HERO sighed with relief. "Good." As he tried to walk out, he stopped them both. "Oh! Uhm, AUBREY, can you stay here? Make sure DR. HAPU knows where we are if he comes back."

AUBREY nodded and rushed right over to MARI and hugged her briefly. "Feel better..."

MARI nodded as her and HERO left the room. Leaving AUBREY and SUNNY by themselves. She slowly made her way to the Hospital Bed, sitting next to him as she put her hand on his. She saw his expression... he was worried.

He never expressed much, as far as she could remember, but now, it looks like he was wearing his heart on his sleeves.

AUBREY: "Hey, she's gonna be alright. You shouldn't stress yourself over this, the DOCTOR will give her some medicine, she'll become better, it'll all be okay. Okay?"

SUNNY slowly looked to her, not fully believing he shouldn't worry, but nodding slowly. She felt him tighten his grip faintly with hers. "O-Okay..."

AUBREY smiled a bit as she hugged him next, wrapping her arms around him tightly and squeezing. SUNNY wasn't sure what to do, his good eye widening almost fully as, even with the numbness of his body, he still felt his cheeks flush, hands slightly raised but not sure if he should hug her back. Even now, after everything... he still felt... embarrassed when she used to do this, just like in the past.

SUNNY: "A-Ah, uhm..."

AUBREY opened her eyes and looked confused, leaning back with her hands on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

She looked at him and saw... an embarrassed expression. Not able to look her in the eyes, his pale skin making it impossible for him to hide his blush. It was then she realized... it was just them. And given she was hugging him so tightly, her face went red as she scooched away from him and looked away, scratching the back of her head as she laughed nervously.

AUBREY: "O-Oh! Sorry! I was just, a-ah- I mean, I guess... uhm... Old habits die hard, heh." She looked down as she clasped her hands before looming him in his eye. "I mean... even if I haven't really been able to, y'know, cling to you for a while... I uh... I've always wanted to again, if you ever woke up, heh..."

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