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November 12, 1955

11:45 a.m.

Annie's POV

Marty and I got into town and we saw Biff picking up his car. He was complaining about how much it cost to have the manure removed. While he and the mechanic went into the store, Marty and I sneaked into the back seat of the car. Marty went in first and I went in after him and landed on top of him. That forced a blush out of both of us.

He said, his voice near a whisper, "Quick, Annie. Throw the blanket over us so Biff doesn't see us."

I grabbed the blanket over us and we heard Biff coming back. We felt him throwing some small paint cans on us. We looked up and saw Biff over by Aunt Lorraine and her friend.

Biff said, "Well, look at what we have here. That dress looks really pretty, Lorraine but I prefer for you to wear nothing at all."

Aunt Lorraine forced him away from her and responded, "Biff, why don't take a long walk off a short pier?"

I whispered, "Nice one, Aunt Lorraine."

Biff responded, "Why don't you and me go to the dance tonight?"

Aunt Lorraine rolled her eyes and responded, "I'm doing something else tonight."

Biff looked at her and asked, "Oh, yeah what?"

Aunt Lorraine lied, "I'm washing my hair."

Biff rolled his eyes and shot back, "Oh, yeah. That excuse is as lame as a screen door on a battleship."

Marty rolled his eyes and whispered, "It's a 'screen door on a submarine' you dork."

Biff asked, "Who are you going with then? That bug George McFly?"

Aunt Lorraine shot him a look and answered, "I'm going with Calvin Klein, okay?"

Biff blushed a little and asked, "That guy with the hot cousin?"

I blushed out of embarrassment and totally crept out. Like I would be interested in that son of a bitch.

He added, angrily, "You're going with me. When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours? You're my girl."

Aunt Lorraine rolled her eyes and responded, "Biff Tannen, I will never be your girl. Even...even if you had a million dollars."

I whispered to Marty, "If only she knew."

Marty shot me a look and then we ducked back down as we heard someone coming over.

We heard Biff threaten, "Yes, you will Lorraine. It's meant to be! Someday you'll be my wife!"

We heard an old man saying, "You always did have a way with women."

Marty whispered to me, "That's Old Biff's voice."

Biff swore, "Get the hell out of my car, old man!"

Old Biff responded, "If you want to marry that girl, Biff. I can make it happen."

Biff seemed annoyed at him and responded, "Oh and who are you? Mr. Lonely Hearts?"

"Just get in the car, butthead," Old Biff demanded.

Biff got mad and asked, "Who are you calling a butthead? You butthead?" 'Nice comeback,' I thought. Just then, Old Biff started the car. Biff asked, scared out of his mind, "How did you do that? Nobody can start this car but me."

I smirked at that and whispered to Marty, "Not the brightest crayon in the box, is he?"

Marty shot me a look and we heard Old Biff add, "Just get in the car, Tannen. Today is your lucky day."

Cousin's in Time: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now