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Annie's POV

We went back to Doc's garage. It was a complete mess and Doc showed us a newspaper. The headline read, GEORGE MCFLY MURDERED. Marty was in a world of hell.

Doc explained, "I went to the public library to try to make sense out of the madness but it was boarded up. So, I broke in and stole some newspapers."

I responded, trying to lighten the mood, "You know that is against the law, right?" Both Doc and Marty shot me a look as I defended, "I was just trying to add a little humor into this. After all, this is depressing for me too."

Marty smiled at me and responded, "I'm sorry, Annie. I just can't believe that this is happening. It feels like we're in hell or something."

Doc perked up and responded, "No, it's Hell Valley though I can't imagine hell being much worse."

I responded, "Well, my personal hell is no rock and roll, no Doc or you, Marty, and my dad constantly yelling at me 24/7."

Marty wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "As long as I'm around, you'll never be in that hell."

I smiled at his fickle promise. It may be fickle but it made me feel better. Einy won.

Doc went over to his dog and said, sadly, "I'm sorry, boy. The lab is an awful, awful mess."

Doc fixed Einstein's bed and the dog climbed into it. I felt bad for Einy.

Doc explained, "When we were in the future, the timeline somehow got corrupted creating this alternate timeline."

Marty and I exchanged confused looks and we demanded, "English, Doc!"

Doc got a chalkboard up and said, "Here, let me illustrate." He drew a straight line on it and explained, "Let's pretend that this line represents time. While we were in the future, somehow the past became corrupted. And that created this alternate timeline. Alternate to you, me, Annie, and Einstein but reality for everyone else." He got out a bag from out of the De Lorean and showed it to Marty and asked, "Recognize this?" Marty perked up and Doc added, "It's the bag that the almanac came in."

I shot Doc a look and asked, "What almanac?"

Marty answered, "You see, I bought a sport's almanac when we were in the future."

I rolled my eyes and responded, "So, that's what you were up to when you were in the future? Man, you're a bag of trouble."

Marty rubbed the back of his neck and responded, "Uh, yeah. And weren't you the one who ended up at our future house?"

I shot him a look and Doc intervened, "Not the time, you two. Now, I found them in the time machine. Along with this."

He held up a cane top that looked like a bronze punch.

Marty took it and mumbled, "It's the top of Biff's cane. Old Biff, from the future."

I started to say, "Then, that means...."

Doc nodded and said, "Yes, Annie. Biff was in the time machine with the almanac, went back to the past, and gave the book to his younger self somewhere in the past." He showed us a newspaper article and said, "See, this is the article on how Biff made his first million betting on a horse." He gave us a magnifying glass and said, "Look at this with the magnifying glass."

We both looked and Marty perked up and mumbled, "The almanac. Son of a bitch stole my idea! He means have been listening in when we...." His voice trailed off as a tear came into his eye. He added, "It's my entire fault. If I hadn't bought that damn book, none of this would be happening."

I wiped away the tear from his cheek and Doc said, "Well, it's all in the past."

I corrected him and said, "You mean the future?"

Doc blew me off and responded, "Whichever. This is why the time machine must be destroyed...after we set all of this straight."

Marty was still in a bit of shock, so I decided to ask, "So, what do we do? Do we go back to the future and stop Biff from taking the time machine?"

Doc shook his head and explained, "We can't because if we leave from this point in time it will be the future of this reality. Where Biff is powerful and corrupted and married to Marty's mother, your aunt. And in which case, this has happened to me." He gave me a newspaper the headline read, DOCTOR EMMETT BROWN COMMITTED. I took it, in a world of shock, and Doc continued, "No, our only hope is in the past. We need to find the when, where, and the how of when young Biff got his hands on the almanac."

Marty snapped out of his fog and said, determined, "We'll ask him."

I smiled at him as did Doc.

Doc said, "Glad to have you back Marty. I know that you feel bad about this but as long as the three of us stay together, we should be able to make things right."

I smiled and added, "And make things right we shall."

With that, the three of us headed back to Biff's hotel.


Wishmaker1028: Please read and review! And always think outside of the box! 

Cousin's in Time: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now