Little Part Of Her

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-Did you find her?! - Lusher said as soon as I opened the front door.
-Shut up you asshole - I said covering her mouth - My sister's up stairs - I said letting her go, we made our way to my room and we locked ourselves in.
I explained to Lusher all of the Tattoo thing that I remembered last night.
-What could that be then? - She said looking at the previous designs from last night.
-I don't really know it's so frustrating - I said throwing my self to my bed, looking at Lusher on my desk.
-Maybe, something that she really loves, or likes? - She said looking at it.
I just lied in bed looking at the ceiling.
-Something that she would like, or love? - I said out loud - Maybe my sister at that time? ugh - I sighed as I ran my hands on my hair.

We stayed like that for an hour, Lusher was trying so hard to find sense to the circle that I designed yesterday, but, nothing.
-Wait, what about something from the marine, someone or something, I mean if she was there, there are just two options, she likes it, or she was forced to go - Lusher said looking at me.
I sat on the edge of the bed, thinking again, trying so hard to remember that tattoo of hers, the dark and light blue colors, with some white on top, like a wave?
-That's it!!! - I said as I got up and got closer to Lusher.
-You startled me the fuck, what's wrong? jeez - She said putting her hand on her hart as she watched me closely.
-She likes the sea, that's why she got into the marine, her tattoo is a wave, and - I paused as I realized where I saw that Tattoo and looked at Lusher - I know how to find her - I smiled at her as she smiled at me satisfied that I finally remembered.
I got into my phone and opened Instagram, I looked on my sisters account and finally I saw that misterious Tattoo.
-Here it is - I said showing it to Lusher.
-Oh my, that's so pretty actually - She said as we realized something.
-Bada Lee? - Lusher said to me with a weir look on her face.
-Im so fucking dumb I swear, of course she was a Lee - I smacked my forehead at the sight of her last name coming to my mind.
-Now I see why she got a wave as a Tattoo, that's a deep meaning actually, besides her name in Korean means the sea - Lusher said smiling.
-Shall we just go for it and ask her? - I said nervously to her.
-I mean, of course you bitch! - She said jockily looking at me.

-Did she replied? - I asked Lusher from the other side of my room, since she got tired and lied on my bed.
-Not yet - She said tiredly as she looked at my phone when suddenly we heard a knock on my door.
-You kids, what are you doing in there?, you're so quiet - My sister said from the other side of the door.
-Nothing, just drawing, why? - I said looking at Lusher kinda scared.
-Let me in, I have to grab something from your closet - She said calmly.
-What is it I'll grab it for you - I said starting to panic.
-If you don't let me in, I swear Jeon Y/N - She said starting to loose her patience.
Lusher got up and quickly threw the papers to an empty drawer and got on the bed again as I opened the door.
My sister gave me a death stare as soon as I opened the door, and started walking towards my closet, she grabbed a shirt and was about to leave when suddenly I got multiple notifications on my phone, making her turn arround towards Lusher who was besides the phone.
-What, don't tell me you have a lover already - She said as she looked me straight in the eyes.
-What, no, not at all, can you leave? - I said trying to keep calm.
-Come on tell me, it's weird that you get multiple notifications and Lusher is here so, who is it? - She said getting closer to me with a grin on her face.
-My, Korean teacher now just go away - I said as I pushed her and kicked her out of the bedroom, I closer the door and sighed looking at Lusher who was already reading the messages in awe.

I was finishing my work for today, I was with my last client when I got a notification on my phone, I couldn't look at it since I was tattooing so I finished and finally took a look at the phone after cleaning up.
I took my phone and saw a message for an appointment for tomorrow at 6 pm, I looked at my diary to verify that that spot was empty.
-Hi, this is Bada Lee, thanks for choosing me as your Tattoist, I'm free tomorrow at 6 pm so please let's get you the best Tattoo of your life - I texted without looking at it too much since I didn't really care.

I finally got home and lied myself on the couch, I was feeling exhausted, I started to think in what type of person would come tomorrow, the design that they want, and most important how would they look, I finally fell asleep on the couch thinking on that random person.

Y/N's POV:
I was too excited to see Bada again, I couldn't even sleep tonight, I was also thinking on what dessign do on me this time, I remember the time Bada did my back tattoo in the marine, she said she was studying to make tattoos and that she wanted to practice on someone, so I told her to do it on me, she hesitated for a moment since I was just 17 years old at that moment but she finally said yes to me since she was actually a little drunk cause the general admirants  let us have some wine with them, but she was fully on her senses to know what she was doing at that time, she drawn on my entire back a climbing plant with blue lotus flowers, her favorite ones, so that's why Im actually excited to see her again since I have like a little part of her on me.
-Y/N let's go you'll be late - I heard Lusher from the outside of my house.
I got out and got into Lusher's car.
-Are you nervous? - She said laughing at me.
-Well, kinda don't you think? - I said in awe at her as she bursted into laughter even more.
-Yeah, don't laugh, it's not funny - I said looking away from her.

We finally arrived to the shop, Lusher had to go to do "some stuff" like she said, it was obviously a lie, she just wanted me to be alone with her.

I finally stopped outside, deciding whether to enter or not, when suddenly I felt so confident and I just got in without even thinking, the inside was really pretty, blue and Grey walls, with the frames of the doors black, a lot of designs were exposed in frames in the walls perfectly placed, I finished looking arround but I didn't saw anyone so I just sitted on a chair waiting for someone to come, when suddenly a door opened revealing the most stunning women I've ever seen.
-Take care of it I'll see you in a week - She said to the boy who came out with her, he had a beautiful tattoo of a horse on it, obviously made by her, the boy bowed at me as I did the same before he left.
-Oh, hi you must be the one for 6 pm right? - She said umbothered with a cold tone at me as she didn't even recognized me, i just nooded to her trying to hide the disappointment on my face.

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