Halmeoni (Grandma)

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At A Diner

"Jennie! Table number 6 is requesting for a coffee. Tend to it!"

An old man shouted at the counter. Jennie immediately went to the customers and gave them a refill.

"Jennie! Dishes at number 7!"...

"Jennie! Number 3, bill out!"...

"Jennie! Table order for number 1!"...

"Jennie!" ...


Jennie tiredly sat on the back door threshold after throwing the trash behind the diner and gently massage her foot so she could relax a little. Today is the weekend, so the diner where she works is packed with customers.

Shaking hands and sore feet from whole days work, she wanted to rest after her shift, but she has to go to halmeoni tonight.

Halmeoni is the sweet old lady whom she's taking care of every night, but she's not actually Jennie's halmeoni but someone else's, and she works for halmeoni.

She's been doing this job for a week now. Thanks to her cousin Rosè for recommending it to her, for it would only require her to work as a care assistant at night since she's working at the diner in the afternoon.

She was about to get a third job for morning schedule but her cousin already objected because she said that she's abusing herself by working too much and might get sick from doing it, so she no longer contest to her cousin.

Somehow with these two jobs of hers will suffice for her daily needs, but it is still not enough to pay off her debt in full, which is already accruing interest. She needs to do something about it.

Jennie POV

"Jennie, honey, you can take a rest on the couch if you want to. I know you are too tired from your work earlier. You don't have to look after me all the time."

The sweet old lady said that warms my heart and makes me smile.

"Oh no, halmeoni, I'm fine, really. It's my job to look after and take care of your needs."

I simply replied while tucking her duvet, so halmeoni won't get cold feet.

"You know what, Jennie, you are like my granddaughter. Even if you're noticeably tired, you will just say you are fine. I think you should meet her sometime. Maybe you will like her too."

Surprised by what Halmeoni said, I sincerely replied.

"I'm sure your granddaughter is doing great and has lots of friends too and no longer needs another one like me, halmeoni."

I noticed her different smile while closing her eyes to sleep as if she's dreaming of something and said,

"I bet she will do like you, Jennie."




Whew! Can't believe I'm in the 4th already. Hope I'm not getting you bored guys.

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