"You just made the biggest damn mistake of your life." The coach stepped closer.

I felt a sudden warmth on my left leg even through my ridiculously thick flesh-colored, dance tights. It was Adrian's hand. What was Adrian's hand doing on my thigh in the middle of a fight with a coach in the principal's office? I was sure it was an accident, and he was trying to brace himself not to fall backward onto me while the coach was unexpectedly yelling in his face. The kind of mistake you make of accidentally brushing against someone, and they shift or move right away, no apology necessary...except I couldn't shift or move. I felt an electric charge shoot up my leg when the hand on it squeezed where it touched.

Adrian's fingertips slowly spread apart and squeezed the side of my thigh gently, but firmly, and his back was even closer against me now, as in our bodies were touching. If someone saw that part out of context or through the office window, it would have looked inappropriate. What was happening?

Was he holding onto me for moral support?

"This isn't' over son, I'm telling you that right now!"

"Jerry- Now, that's enough." Principal Sabella stepped in trying to stretch his neck past the group of us girls to get closer to the situation.

"I'll call his damn daddy! We're not done here." Coach Craig stood in Adrian's face a moment, looked back at the principal, then swiftly turned to exit, pushing the main office door open wide in front of him. The door swung back so powerfully that a swoosh of air blew across Adrian's face and mine. I watched the back of his dark hair blow just above me. I assumed my pulse was racing due to the excitement of the traumatic situation.

I took a deep breath to slow my heart from jumping out of my chest, but then I smelled him, oddly for what felt like the first time. It was a smell I recognized. I knew him and had been around him my entire life, but somehow it was heightened. Sandal-woodsy, a bit sweet like maple syrup at breakfast, and then a hint of something dark and expensive from cologne he must have put on earlier that morning. I could smell his hair and skin. Okay. Why was his hand still on my thigh, and could I move now?

Principal Sabella made his way through everyone to Adrian.

"Are you alright, son?"

I felt the fingertips release me and slide down from where they squeezed me tightly before they completely released me. I felt a pair of eyes to the left of me watching. If what just happened looked as odd as it felt, it did not go unnoticed.

"Yeah." Adrian finally answered the principal. "I've got to get to class."

"I'm sorry Adrian, I don't think either one of us expected that reaction. Well...Why don't you come by my office before you go home today, and we'll check in over this, yeah?"


Adrian took a half step forward and I exhaled for what felt like the first time since this bazar madness was unleashed. He turned to me, his face above mine looking down at me.

I could hear the principal addressing our little group beside me on the other side of the large plant, yet my eyes were transfixed on Adrian's. I don't know if I was waiting for an explanation for his altercation with Coach Craig, one for practically groping my leg, or if I was waiting to see if he was okay. All the above were brand new territories for me when it came to Adrian Reed.

He was still less than two inches from me. His hand landed on the side of my waist, and he looked at me for an additional moment. He gulped as if he was coming back from being out of it.

"I'm-um. Sorry." He said it slowly, and in a low, quiet voice. Something happened to me when he said that to me. It was like a million butterflies were released in my stomach, and where his hand rested between my ribs and waistline, all I could feel was...heat.

So F*cking Special: 1996 (Book 1, The So F*cking Special Series)Where stories live. Discover now