Little explanation

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Hey guys, I'm Mxcha, the other owner of this account. I'm the creator of the blade series.

I know a few of you might be wondering why Amais hasn't updated in about a month now, and I'm here to explain everything.

To be straight forward, Amais got into a car crash. Basically what had happened was someone was drinking and driving, and was going like 95-100 MPH in a 40 zone. This guy was in a truck (Ford F-150), and it'll be important in the story later on. Amais was out with their friends, and they were in one of Amais', friends, mom's car which is pretty small. They were passing a stop sign and this road they're on is basically on top of a hill, and you can't really see anyone who is coming up the hill.

This guy had come speeding up the hill, and before they could warn their friend's mom (who was driving), the driver had struck the left side of the vehicle. Amais was sitting on the left side, and he was essentially the one who was hit first. Everyone had pretty severe injuries, since it sent the car flying down the hill. While mostly everyone was able to be discharged from the hospital within the first 2-3 weeks, Amais endured the worst injuries.

Amais is okay, they're still breathing and they're alive. But what had happened was Amais had their head against the window, probably sleeping I'm assuming. As I had said before, this guy was in a truck. Amais was struck in the head due to this. They endured some pretty severe head injuries. The door had broken due to the impact, and the metal and glass went straight into Amais. Amais endured a tear in their right leg, and their right torso, where a piece of the metal had bent in and cut up Amais' side. Amais' face got pretty scratched up, due to all the flying glass and such. His arm was bruised pretty badly I will say, it was mostly purple and blue. To be entirely honest, almost Amais' entire left side was bruised. We were told they endured a brain bleed. He broke a few ribs, and broke a few bones in their arms and legs as well.

This is about all I know at this point, and all I've been told. They're going to be okay, but they just won't be back for a while. I will try my best to update maybe for Amais, but I can't promise anything.

Much love,


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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