Chapter 5- I could never forget.

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What are we?

That was all that ran through your head the rest of the day. You couldn't shake off the thought of him. He ran through your head all day, never once leaving. Your mind is filled with him, his smile, his eyes, his hair, his lips. Every little thing about him, it ran through your head.

"¿Qué quieres cenar?" (What do you want for dinner?) Your mother said, as she walked into your room. By the way you were staring at the ceiling, she could tell you were lost in your thoughts. She sat at the edge of your bed. "Dime, ¿qué te ronda por la cabeza?" (Tell me, what's been on your mind?) You snapped out of it, realizing what you've been doing. "Nada, mamá. Sólo algunas cosas de la escuela." (Nothing, mom. Just some school stuff.) 

Your mom gave you that look. The look that told you 'I know you're lying.' You realized there was no escaping it. "Conoces a Miles, ¿verdad? Bueno... Creo que he desarrollado sentimientos por él. Él es todo en lo que puedo pensar. ¡No puedo sacármelo de la cabeza! Mamá, ¡¿cómo me saco a este chico de la cabeza?!" (You know miles, right? Well... I think I've developed feelings for him. He's all I can think about. I can't seem to get him out of my head! Mom, how do I get this boy out of my head?!) You place your arm over your eyes. Groaning while you fall back onto your bed. Your mom stays silent for a bit. She's clearly surprised you just admitted to liking a guy. She gently took your hands, and pulled you up to face her. She smiled at you.

"Dile lo que sientes, es la única manera. Me doy cuenta de que estás creciendo, ya no eres mi niña pequeña. Confío en que harás lo correcto." (Tell him how you feel, it's the only way. I realize you're growing up, you're not my little girl anymore. I trust that you'll do the right thing.) You smiled back. You started thinking about what she said, and your smile slowly turned into a frown. "No puedo hacer eso, mamá. Es demasiado pronto. Ni siquiera sé si le gusto... ¿y si me rechaza y no volvemos a hablar? ¿Qué haría yo entonces...?" (I can't do that, mom. It's too soon. I don't even know if he likes me back... What if he rejects me, and we never speak again? What would I do then..?)

She sighs. "Tendrías que olvidarte de él." (You'd just have to forget about him.) Your heart sank. There was no way you could do that. You couldn't just forget.

"I could never forget."


(445 words!)

Sorry for not posting, I got pulled into a bunch of drama at the start of school so I had to deal with that first 💀

Ik I said I'd be introducing new characters this chapter, but I decided against it. I'd have to come up with them first, so it'll take me some time <3

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