Ch 14- dough or die

11 1 0

-Pat's Pond-

Banjo, Kazooie, and Adora were all welcomed aboard The Halberd.

"So, where's our next course of action?" Mike asked MetaKnight.

"Well, the device will lead us somewhere." MetaKnight said.

"Device?" Banjo asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you guys about that." Ellie said, "we snagged it off some Toppats, and long story short we've been hopping dimensions." She continued.

"Woah." Banjo said.

"For how long now?" Adora asked.

"See that's the difficult part, time moves differently in different dimensions, in Mike's we were there for about a day or two, in Your dimension we were only there for about a few hours." Charles explained, "although a day had already passed back in my dimension." Charles said.

Banjo looked dizzy as Ellie pressed the button on the Telemension, opening a portal to somewhere new.

The sky was more orange than expected and the area was empty all around.

Meanwhile on the ground Mr. Black-Cat entered through his own portal and wandered around before seeing a man in an orange suit leaving a pizza place.

"Hello, are you... Mr. Stick?" Mr. Black-Cat asked, he held a paper with a lot of the information on the guy.

"Well yes I am, are you perchance interested in my wares?" Stick asked.

"Yes, that pizza place, I want it." Mr. Black-Cat said.

"Now hold on there, I used to be a landlord, but now I've sold that place off." Stick said.

"To whom?" Black-Cat asked as his mask turned downward.

"Look here, that's none of your damn business, now get!" Mr. Stick demanded.

Black-Cat stood there before he started to chuckle, and that chuckling started to turn into laughter.

"You think you can look a business man in the eye and act vicious, you're merely a salesman, no one important, I have a hundred people like you who can do your job better than you can and ever will." Black-Cat said coldly before slowly drawing his sword.

"Now hold on buster, if you think you can- Gah!" Stick yelled as he activated his helicopter backpack.

Black-Cat jumped and slashed the propeller making him fall down into the ground before getting slashed by Black-Cat.

"Gah, wh-wh-what the hell is *blaugh*" Mr. Stick coughed up blood as he felt his body becoming numb and cold while still feeling piercing pain as crystals grew from his body.

"Should've just told me Stick, now I'm going to make sure that you're the dustiest in my collection of statues." Black-Cat said as two crystals broke through Stick's glasses as he was frozen.

"There, Robs!" Black-Cat yelled.

"Yes sir?" A blue and green coloured R.O.B machine asked.

"Carry him off." Black-Cat said before getting kicked in the face by a leg covered in blue.

"What the hell?" He growled.

It was a man in overalls wearing big shoes and having, get this, a piece of pizza as a head.

"Who are you?" Black-Cat asked before getting thrown up to the top of a purple, seemingly unfinished tower.

"Damn it." Black-Cat mumbled before getting stomped down upon by the pizza man.

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