Ch 4- Dreams, Choices, and Plantation... an unlikely trio to be sure

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Phil woke up, his brain banged against his skull painfully thumping.

"Ugh, Phred? Smiley? Zack?" He asked looking at all the squishy looking terrain.

He also felt softer, his hoodie was woollier, his skin wasn't as rough and itchy as it was an hour ago.

"Huh, neat. Gumball you there?" He asked realizing that he almost forgot about the blue cat.

"Over here!" He heard Gumball yell.

Phil wandered to the voice seeing Gumball stuck in a tree making the one in the green hoodie giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"Well, your a cat stuck, in a tree, am I getting through to you?" Phil said with some sass.

"Oh, well help me out her-woah!" Gumball yelled as he fell out of it making Phil laugh even harder.

"Wow you're a real upstanding guy aren't you?" Gumball asked sarcastically.

"What can I say I love comedy."

The two continued bickering before hearing something.

Next to them a small pink creature went "Puyo?" making them look at it.

"Oh, hey little guy, what are you doing here?" Gumball asked putting his hand where he assumed Phil's mouth was.

"Puyo." It said pointing at an apple tree with one of it's nubbins.

"Oh an apple is what you want eh? I can get it for you." Gumball said drawing his claws and jumping at a tree, however once he got on he heard a sound of pain exiting the tree.

"Oi, watch where you're climbing ya hooligan!" It yelled making the cat jump down in shock.

"What the what!" He yelled as Phil just laughed.

"Wow for a big head it must feel light doesn't it." Phil said.

"For no mouth it must be bigger than a billionaire's ego." Gumball retorted as the pink creature ate an apple off the ground.

"Puyo!" The creature yelled coming between the two and offering apples.

Gumball and Phil looked at each other, nodded and decided to eat some apples with the pink thing.

"Hey what's your name?" Phil asked the pink creature."

"Kirby, Kirby." Kirby said excited.

"Huh, strangely a normal name for a little creature like that." Phil said.

Meanwhile Adeline and Ribbon were painting out in some grassy fields near Whispy's Woods making a beautiful painting of the scenery.

"Hey Ribbon could you get some berries from a bush down there?" Adeline asked as she finished painting some trees.

"Sure Ado." Ribbon said before flying off into the woods looking for said berries.

As she looked around she felt a strange aura, a dark one, yet it wasn't Dark Matter that she felt it was something more independant, something that wasn't pure evil yet evil nonetheless.

She finally found some berries and was ready to get the heck out of there before feeling heat behind her.

"Hello little fairy." A masked one said, it was clear he wasn't from Dreamland or that forgotten place Kirby went to a few months ago.

"H-hello" She said meekly trembling at his tall cloaked figure and the mask was all the more frightening.

"I'm looking for two folks who fell in here, a blue cat, and a boy, you wouldn't mind helping me would you?" He asked circling around the small fairy.

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