Indigo: The reason I'm here is because some a rumor about a golden city inside the mines. and its somewhere in the mountains.

Mulberry: You're here because of those rumors? Ha! I'm investigating those rumors too.

Indigo: Thats great! Could you tell me anything about the rumors?

Mulberry: I've written notes all about it! Ha! I'll have you take a gander at it.

Indigo: Great! Lets finish our food.

Indigo and Mulberry continue to eat their food. Mulberry noticed how Indigo almost resembled him.

Mulberry: Hey kid, I can't help but notice something about you.

Indigo: *swallows food* what is it?

Mulberry: I had a kid. He was just like you. Young and curious.

Indigo: You had a kid?

Muberry: Actually... I have 3 kids and an amazing wife.

Indigo: You must really like your family.

Mulberry: Yep! but something bad happened when I was with them.

Indigo: What happened?

Mulberry: We were separated after some darn glitch attacked our homeland. The nerve of him.

Indigo: You were separated from your family?

Mulberry: Yep. That attack forced me to de-age back to being 32 years old.

Indigo: ...

Mulberry: Trust me kid, it happened.

Indigo: I see...

Mulberry: Just looking at you reminded me of one of my sons.

Indigo: You're not the only one with a wish to find your own family. I was separated from my own family. My Brother and Sister, my Mom, and My Dad.

Mulberry: That must sad for kid like you.

Indigo: Yeah, but i have great friends! They're all eeveelutions by the way.

Mulberry: Heheheh. Its good to make lotts of friends.

Indigo: Yeah.

Mulberry: Enough of this sappy stuff, we better finish up and get the notes from my house.

Indigo: Ok.

Indigo and Mulberry finished up their food and went to his house.

Mulberry: This is my house. The base of all operations.

Mulberry's house had a board that was covered in photos and strings. A tv, and a long table with a map covering it.

Indigo: Wow... I've never seen a house that's empty.

Mulberry: As the chief leader of the Legendary Mulberry Exploration Squad, I'm always on the move!

Indigo looked around and examined the board with pictures all over it.

Indigo: What are these pictures?

Mulberry: These are the leads i've found so far.

Indigo: A Cave?

Mulberry: That's the entrance to the mines. And so far, I've written down a note about what rumors has been said. Read this.

Indigo read the note that was given to him.

Indigo: "There was a bright light that appeared in the mines." And this one says "Miners went in to explore but they were stopped when it became too dangerous for them".

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