Safety net - Magda and Pernille x Reader

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Pov Y/n

Being young is fun they say but when you're 14 and are set to join one of the big clubs in the Wsl it brings a lot of pressure. My parents were never there for me to be honest they hate me. My life isn't easy i had to grow up at the age of 4 learning how yo cook and clean myself. My parents always past out on the couch from alcohol or drugs. Football was my only outlet but when Chelsea came my parents had one favor. I had to stay home and keep living with them. I honestly wanted to scream to tell them to please move me in with a teammate but i knew better and kept quiet. My first weeks where okay i got the title of team baby and all the older girls look after me. That's how i end up in my situation right now Im laying on top of Magda with an ice pack on my head because Sam mistimed a tackle.

Y/n- *closes her eyes*
Magda- Sweetie you can't sleep now *taps your nose*
Y/n- *whines* but I'm tired
Magda- I know sweetie but you hit your head and we have to keep awake for a little while
Y/n- I don't like Sammy anymore
Pernille- Sam didn't mean to do it. She made a mistake
Y/n- Still she hurt me
Guro- *knocks softly* how is our little girl
Magda- Grumpy. She is tired
Guro- Baba come here *picks Y/n up and cuddles her*
Pernille- Sweetie did you already ask your parents if you could sleep at ours next week
Y/n- Yeah i have to stay home
Magda- We can pick you up if you want. We'll have Fran and Maren with us
Y/n- That's okay
Pernille- Come on we're bringing you home
Y/n- No no my parents will come and collect me my dad's on his way. You girls can go already I'll be fine
Magda- You sure
Y/n- *nods* yeah I'll see you all tomorrow
*all the girls leave to go home. Y/n starts to walk home when the cost is clear but what she didn't know was that Niahm hadn't left.
Niahm- *sees Y/n walking* Hey kid
Y/n- Ow hey Niahm
Niahm- Why you walking
Y/n- Dad told me he is at my aunts house and that's a ten minute walk from here so i said i meet him there
Niamh- You sure i can drop you off
Y/n- No thank you i wanna walk
Niamh- Sure but be safe okay *hugs Y/n* text me when your home yeah
Y/n- Off course

Pov Niamh
I get in my car and drive off home. I still have a bad feeling about letting Y/n walk but she seemed so sure and her story sounded so real that i try to push it away. I enter my house and make some dinner. About two hours later i get a text from Y/n saying she is home. I frown and type a reply she reads it but never answers anymore. I text Magda to see if she can call.

*phone call*

Niahm- Hey

Magda- Hey everything alright

Niamh- Not really

Magda- What's wrong

Niamh- I have a bad feeling about Y/n

Magda- What do you mean she is
the sweetest girl i ever seen

Niamh- I know but i think she is hiding
something from us and i think it
has to do with her parents

Magda- We never seen them

Niamh- Exactly. Why aren't they on
Chelsea parent meetings and why are
they so strict. Emma told me that they
almost declined the offer until she
accepted that Y/n could stay with her parents

Magda- Niamh sweets would it
calm you if i talk to Y/n after our
week break. I sit her apart
and have a conversation

Niamh- Please. I could be wrong but i
just have this weird feeling telling
me something is wrong.

Magda- It's okay. If you don't mind
I'm going back to Pernille.
I left her to call you since it
seemed that you
were slightly panicked.

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