Would this be a good one shot

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I wanna make a one shot about the things going on with the spain girls. In the one shot its readers first call up. Reader plays at barca and the barca girls cant get it over their heart to tell the reader not to go with everything that's going on. At Camp the reader slowly picks up thing that are wrong but the girls can't always protect each other.

Would you guys want me to write this and do you have ideas to put into it. Like players getting hurt or ships that are there. I was thinking that reader and Pina are together or get together.

This one shot about Spain National team. In this one shot things are made up. Under no way do i know what really happens with the girls at camp. I also want to say that in this story all the girls like Mapi and Pina are called up. It takes place at the camp before during and after the WC.

I do wanna say that im fully with the girls. Something needs to be done and its disgusting to know that a man with so much power can do something this wrong to a women who should be on cloud nine for winning the World Cup. It's sickening to see him defend him self while he is clearly caught in grabbing his crotch, picking up the girls and carrying them around and  a couple off them spoke out about how they didn't like it and forcing Jenny to kiss him. I hope that the girls get the justice they deserve

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