Camp from hell- Spain national team x Reader

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Warning⚠️ This fanfic has some topics like Rape,  physical abuse and Mentally abuse. It's all made up. If you don't want to read about these topics i would recommend to not read this Fanfic.

Pov Mapi

Were all sitting in the dressing room at training. Some of the girls talk with each other untill Y/n runs in. She stops infront of Pina still jumping up and down with an unexplainebol amount of energy. Pina sits down pulling Y/n into her lap to calm her down until she is ready to explain.

Mapi- Why are you jumping up and down after two hours of training
Y/N- Ive been called up. im going to camp
Pina- Thats amazing baby *looks at Mapi scared*
alexia- You deserved it kiddo im proud of you. Pina Jonathan needed us for something *walks out of de dressing room.
Pina- *follows* This is bad real bad she cant go threw that. What do i need to do
Alexia- We cant tell her shell be heart broken
Mapi- Well were fucked
Pina- *jumps * Jezus Mapi i dont need a heart attack
Mapi- Sorry but what are we going to do. She cant come he will pray on her
Alexia- keep her close at all time. I'm the caption so ill make sure she rooms with Pina and the rest we need to figur out at camp itself
Pina- I dont know Ale. Mapi is right he will hunt het like a prey. you know how he is.
Alexia- * Thinks* we cant tell her she'll be heartbroken and hurt that we kept it from her.
Y/n- *runs past with Lucy* baby i'm on the pitch with Lucy if you need me
Lucy- Come back butt head you cheated
Y/n- Never i beat you because in young
Keira- So whats going on with the troubled faces
Pina- Y/n got called up
Keira- Ow thats not good
Mapi- Nope but we cant tell her
Keira- Whats your idea
Alexia- Keep her with one of us at all times.
Ingrid- *rubs mapi's back*
Alexia- i get Jenny and Irene in this plan.
Pina- Lets hope this works

*a couple weeks later*
Pov Pina

Y/n is still excited for camp she keeps asking about all the activeties and i just tell her little things. we still have a day to go before we leave and i just ended my call with alexia and Mapi. It still worries me that Y/n is comming i dont know what Vilda's plan is but i know its not going to be good. I just cleaned up the dishes when Y/n sits on my lap hugging me. i wrap my arms around her and breath in her sent as she relaxes.

Pina- You okay baby
Y/n- What are the other girls like and the staff
Pina- The girls love you because you make me happy
Y/n- Butt the don't know me
Pina- That's not important they see how happy you make me when we call or text
Y/n- And the staff
Pina- It's late baby maybe we should go to bed. Tomorrow is travel day
Y/n- Okay *runs to the bedroom and waits for Pina*
Pina- Goodnight my love

*next morning*
Y/n- It's travel day *jumps up out off bed* baby get up were going to camp
Pina- Five more minutes *turns around*
Y/n- *gos downstairs and tries to make breakfast* oww *drops a glass*
Pina- Baby *runs into the kitchen* you okay
Y/n- I'm sorry
Pina- It's okay *cleans up the glass* see all good *hugs Y/n*
Y/n- *cuddles closer* can you make eggs
Pina- Off course baby go sit down

After they both ate and got ready they head out to the baca training center where they got picked up. Y/n is standing in Pina's arms. Mapi is busy talking with Alexia and Aitana is trying to have a conversation with Pina. After twenty minutes the taxi shows up and everyone gets inside. Y/n sits beside Patri having a conversation while leaning against Pina.  Half way threw the ride Y/n falls asleep and the girls start talking.

Alexia- I choose the rooms
Mapi- Nice tell us
Alexia- Pina your with Y/n,  Aitana with Patri, Mapi with Irene and Me and Jenny
Patri- Sweet thanks Ale
Alexia- No problem everyone know the plan right
Mapi- Yeah don't leave Y/n alone
Alexia- Good. Were here

All the girls get out and Pina picks Y/n up and carries her inside. After getting the key to the rooms the girls go upstairs. On the way to their rooms Vilda appears and walks over. Pins stays behind Alexia still holding Y/n close.

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