Protect - Jordan Nobbs, Leah Wiliamson and Reader

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*Leah is 22, Y/n is 19 and Jordan is 25 the other girls are also older than you and Leah*

Your pov
I was laying in the arms of my girlfriend Jordan. While waiting for Leah to come home from practice. You see Jordan got injured at a game couple weeks ago and is still not ready to rehab. Tonight is our movie/relax night we do that every Sunday night. Normally Leah doesn't have training but she missed one earlier this week.

Jordan- Y/n baby *rubs your back* you okay
Y/n- Yeah just thinking about Leah * blushing *
Jordan- You're cute babygirl *kisses your head*
*door opens and it's really loud*
Intruder- Come on walk to the living room *hold Leah at gunpoint* hey dude their are more people
Leah- *sits down next to Jordan and wraps her arms around you*
Y/n- Im scared *hides in her chest*
Jordan- Where here okay *rubs your back *
Intruder- I want money now *points gun*
Jordan- In the drawer under the tv is money take it and leave please
Intruder- *grabs the money* I want more *sees the gold necklace you got* i want that *points at it*
Leah- *lies* please don't it's from her mother how died
Intruder- *gets angry* I want that necklace *pulls you off Leah's lap* take it of now
Jordan- Leave her alone *wants to stand up*
Intruder- Sit back down *points gun at Jordan and shoots almost hitting Jordan in the stomach * now give me that necklace or the next is on target
Y/n *scared to move*
Leah- Let me help her i'll take it of her neck *slowly gets down and to you're place* it's okay babygirl *takes the necklace of and hands it to the intruder*
Y/n- * holds onto Leah* Jordan
Jordan- I'm okay babygirl stay with Leah
Intruder- i want your phones and credit cards with pincode *looks at you and smirks*
Jordan- *slowly gets up to get the credit card and a paper to write the pin code down* here this is all we have please go and leave
Intruder- *grabs the cards and puts them away then pulls you out of Leah's arms and hold a gun to your head while walking backwards* say bye bye
Leah- Let her go *tries to grab you back until he puts a gun to your head*
Intruder- * shoves you in a van and speeds off*
Jordan- *runs outside* noooo Y/n baby

Pov Leah
Jordan ran after the van but i just stare at the wall in front of me. I had her she was in my arms and i let her go now she's gone. After two minutes Jordan comes back. She holds me close while using the spare phone. A couple minutes later the cops walk in and Lisa and Viv run in holding us.

Leah- *looks down*
Viv- *puts her hand on Leah's shoulder making Leah look up*
Leah- *sees Viv crying because Y/n was like her little sister* Viv
Viv- *wraps Leah into a hug* we will find her
Jordan- *talks to the officers and then leaves to grab a couple clothes *
Lisa- *sits next to Leah* sweetie Jordan is packing some clothes and then were going to our house
Jordan- Okay come on *Holds the bag*
Viv- *picks Leah up when she is not moving *
Leah- *freaks out*
Viv- Leah calm down it's me * restrain Leah's arms from hitting her* deep breath's Leah
Jordan- we need you to calm down baby *holds Leah's face*
Leah- * tires herself out and falls asleep*
Viv- * rubs Leah's back* poor girl

Pov Y/n
He drove to a field and tied me up before hurting me and driving off again. I wanna stand up but my head hurts to much. I close my eyes for a bit only to open them when it is almost to dark to see. I look around but the only thing i see is an open field. I close my eyes again and let darkness take over. This happens a couple times until i get my strength back and get up. I slowly limp my way back to the town. When i arrive in this part off the town i recognize Anna and Jill's house. I limp to it and ring the bell hoping that there home.

Jill- Coming just a sec *opens the door*
Y/n- Ji *faints*
Jill- Anna sweetheart get a wet towel and blankets * picks you up and brings you inside*
Anna- i got the stuff *sees Y/n* ill call Jordan
Jill- *lays the cold towel on your head and cleans your face a bit*
Anna- Viv is driving them here. How is she doing
Jill- She is slowly waking up
Y/n- *tries to sit up*
Jill- * carefully pushes you down* Leah and Jordan are on there way
Anna- *comes back with some water*
Y/n- *makes grabby hands at Anna*
Anna- *puts the glas down and picks Y/n up* your safe
Jordan- Where is she *storms in*
Y/n- *sees Jordan and start crying *
Jordan- my babygirl *takes you from Anna and holds you close* Let's take you home to Leah
Y/n- Yes please *cuddles further in Jordan* thank you Jill
Jill- No problem. Jordan take her to practice from now on she is safe there
Jordan- I will

Pov Jordan
Viv is driving us home while i hold Y/n very close. When we told her it was not a couple days but a couple months since the intruder took her she was shocked. When we arrived i thank Viv and get inside. When the door closes i feel Y/n kiss my neck. I rub her back and bring her upstairs to the bedroom where Leah is. Once i set foot in the room a body hits mine and cries.

Leah- My babygirl *kisses Y/n all over*
Jordan- Calm down baby let's clean her up in the shower
Leah- *sprints to the bathroom pulling off her clothes* come hurry
Jordan- *undresses herself and helps Y/n*
Y/n-* leans into Leah*
Leah- Hi beautiful *kisses Y/n cheek*
Y/n- I missed you both *gets behind Jordan into the bathtub*
Jordan- Your safe now and from now on your coming to training
Y/n- I would love that. I like to see the sport that makes you both happy *hugs Leah*
Leah- Can we hurry up and Cuddle in bed
Jordan- Off course babe we can do that

Pov Y/n
We dry off and after that we lay in bed cuddled up. Leah is fast asleep on my chest with in minutes. After another twenty minutes i fall asleep on Jordan's chest . The next morning i wake up to Leah cuddling closer to me. I rub her back while making sure Jordan still sleeps. Today they have a training at 1 and will be back home around 22 so it will be a busy day for the girls. After like an hour Jordan woke up and the girls put their training gear on. We leave the house and drive to the training grounds. After we arrived we enter the player lounge and Beth instantly hugs me. I rub her back to show that im okay and she let's go so Katie can hug me.

Katie- You had me worried ahy
Y/n- No need I'm okay
Caitlin- That's good
Beth- Hows the wound healing
Y/n- Almost gone just a little red
Leah- Looks pretty bad ass if you're asking me
Jordan- True
Y/n- *chuckles* really go train you two

While Jordan and Leah train Y/n watches until their done. Y/n takes some pictures and they come out so good that she takes over the Arsenal wfc instagram. So from now on Y/n is at every training . And home and away game. Putting Leah's and Jordan's worries to ease.

The end

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