Fans-England Lionesses and Reader

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Location SGP

Pov Y/n
Right now im on my way to SGP. It's my first time being called up. The driver stops in front of the building and helps me with my bags. I thank him and make my way up the stairs. I spot my teammates while walking in and i drop my bags when i see Rachel walking out. I yell her name and run at her with full speed.

Y/n- Rachel *jumps in her arms*
Rachel- Omg Y/n/n. I'm so proud you got called up for the Euro's
Y/n- * feels another set of arms*
Millie- Hey sweetie. Let's go and put your bags away
Y/n- *grabs her bags* which room am i
Alessia- Your with me
Y/n- Cool. Lead the way roomie
Millie- I'll come by in ten and behave yourself
Y/n- Yes Millie *follows Alessia*
Alessia- So Millie and Rachel know you
Y/n- Yeah Millie is my neighbor and Rachel i know from some visits
Alessia- Cool *opens the room door* How did you all get in
Ella- Stole your spare card
Alessia- I'm sorry Y/n give me a minute. Girls mind to go somewhere else and let Y/n settle in for a couple hours
*the girls leave*

Alessia - Sorry about them they love new members
Y/n- No worries *sees the bathroom open* Leah
Leah- Hey champ nice you made it. Seen Millie and Rach already
Y/n- Yeah i did and there going to be her in two minutes so you mind leaving. I'll see you at dinner
Leah- Sure come Alessia let's go and play pingpong *pulls Alessia out the room*

Millie- *walks in* Y/n/n did you call home already
Y/n- *shakes head*
Rachel- What's wrong
Y/n- Had a big fight before i left. I could choose between Germany and England for teams and they wanted me to choose Germany
Millie- They'll come around
Y/n- I hope so. Now tell me how is Huston treating you Rach
Rachel- It's good we are second in the league
Y/n- Nice
Millie- Let's go down for dinner
Y/n- I ate on the way here so I'm taking a small nap if that's alright
Rachel- Sure we'll bring some desert back
Y/n- Yeah sounds good *lays down in the bed but when Millie and Rachel leave she gets out*

Pov Y/n

So if been getting these threats about me joining England. At first I thought nothing of it but now they also involve the other girls.  The person threatens to take all the girls hostage in SGP and to make sure they can't play against Germany. I don't know what to do or if this person means it . After staring at mine phone for a while i get a weird text from Millie.

*Lionesses group chat*

Millie- Kid what ever you do stay in the room and if you can hide somewhere
Y/n- Mills what's going on
Rachel- Just listen to Millie Y/n/n
Hannah- Y/n open your door  i snuck away
Millie- We know there angry that you're gone
Y/n- Mills I'm scared they are knocking down doors
Millie- Stay with Hanna

*at dinner*
Pov Hannah

We're at dinner when we hear to a lot of commotion in the hall. Ellen stands up to go and see what's up but before she gets to the door it opens and eight guys with guns and knifes walk in. One of the guys grabs Ella and orders us to lay on our stomach. We obey and he pushes Ella down towards Mary. I see that they have their back towards me so i sneak outside. Taking the stairs i run to the floor Y/n is on and get to her room.

Guy- *bangs on the door* open up i know your in there
Hannah- *pulls Y/n closer* get under the bed
Y/n- *gets under*
Guy 2- *knocks the door down* well well well our lost keeper
Hannah- *backs up*
Guy 3- *grabs Hannah and pushes her on the ground*
Hannah- *shields her head while they abuse her*
Y/n- Stop *gets out and runs to Hannah* don't hurt her
Guy- *grabs Y/n over his shoulder while Guy 2 drags Hannah downstairs*
Guy 3- *walks into the dinner room * look what we found
Guy- *puts Y/n down on a chair and ties her up* little traitor
Guy 2- *drags Hannah inside * listen up misbehave and this happens
Hannah- *weak and bruised*
Guy 2- understand *nobody answers so he kicks Hannah's stomach while she was on her hands and knees*
Hannah- Fuck *collaps*
Ellen- Stop it you proved your point
Jill- *pulls Hannah close*
Y/n- *tries to get free* Let them go
Guy- Shut up traitor
Millie- Leave her she isn't a traitor
Guy 3- *points a gun at Millie's head* you had something to say blondie
Y/n- No please
Guy- Dude stand down and let's have some fun *smirks*
Guy 2- when we call your name stand up *grabs a list* Keira, Ella, Alessia and why not do our captain Leah

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