Crazy fan- Kyra cooney-cross x Arsenal Reader

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Het  *kyra and reader joined Arsenal at the same time. Kyra notice that a fan is at every game. She doesn't think much of it until the girl shows up in her private life. Kyra shares her concerns  but it may be too late.

Pov Kyra
We just played Man city and im walking around the field with Steph ,Lana and Y/n when i spot a girl holding a sign. We go over and take a picture. When we're done we go on to the next one i walk behind Steph as i see the girl looking over angry. We finish signing and go back inside. I undress, shower and change before walking out to the bus. I get on and see a figure dresses in black. I try to follow her but the rest of the team gets on. I sit down and we drive off to London.

*two months later*

Y/n- Isn't that the same girl as last week *points to the girl*
Kyra- Yeah she been at every game club and national. When it was our day off she bumped into me twice. It was like she is following me.
Alessia- I would not think much of it. Maybe she just lives close by.
Steph- Girls time to go inside *guides Kyra to the locker room* whats up little one. You've been distant
Kyra- *lies* Just missing home a bid.
Steph- Is that why you're ignoring Mini and Charlie.
Kyra- *gets defensive * Im not ignoring them im just busy
Caitlin- Kyra you don't raise your voice at Steph
Kyra- *grabs her stuff* Just fuck off will you *pushes past Laura making her fall*
Steph- *helps Laura* you okay
Laura- Yeah
Katie- What's wrong with her. This isn't just being homesick
Caitlin- I don't know it's like she is a hole other person
Steph- Ill call Mini tonight see if she can help

Pov Steph
I called Mini but she is as clueless as us on Kyra's behavior. We talked some more until it was time to go to bed. Waking up the next morning was peaceful. I got dressed, ate and left to the training ground. We went to the field and that's when i noticed her missing. Two hours in and Kyra walked onto the field. Her eyes were red and she looked exhausted.

Jonas- Kyra fine you could join us. Twenty laps please
Kyra- *sways a little*
Kim- Kyra are you drunk *walks closer*
Kyra- *silence*
Jonas- Steph, Caitlin and Kim get her to the medical trainer. I want a breathalyzer test done
Steph- *grabs Kyra by her arm* what the fuck are you thinking
Kyra- *tries to wiggle free*
Caitlin- Don't. What you're doing needs to stop this is so childish. We helped you get signed and now you do this stupid shit
Kyra- *stays silent*
Kim- You better do the test or they will draw bloodwork
Kyra- Im not doing any fucking thing old shag
Steph- Kyra nock it off
Kyra- * mocks Steph* Kyra nock it off
Medical- *tries to draw bloodwork* you need to sit still
Kyra- Fuck off I don't need anything
Caitlin-* calls Katie if she can come*
Katie- Im here what's wrong
Caitlin- She refuses every thing so can you help holding her down so they can draw bloodwork
Katie- Sure * tackles Kyra down and restricts her*
Kyra- Let fucking go * get emotional * i hate you. I hate you all
Steph- * tears up while looking at Kyra*
Kim - *comforts Steph* she doesn't know what she's talking about. She loves you all
Medical- And done. Thanks Katie
Katie- No problem
Kyra- * pushes Katie off and leaves to the parking lot*
Mini- * Threatening mother voice* Kyra Cooney-Cross don't you dare get in the drivers side. Passenger seat now * points to the passenger seat * Steph, Caitlin ill call you when i know more * gets in Kyra's car and drives off*
Kyra- * opens her front door *
Mini- Why is everything closed * opens a curtain so she can open a window*
Kyra- * pushes Mini away and closes them again* don't don't need to stay close * slightly panicked *
Mini- Kyra sweetie tell me what's wrong
Kyra- * starts to sob* im getting stalked
Mini- What makes you think that hun * holds Kyra*
Kyra- This girl she is everywhere. I see her on my off days, at games and around my house. She sat on my couch last night when i came home. * looks around* she is everywhere
Mini- Sweetie why didn't you say something
Kyra- Because they think im crazy
Mini- Ow sweets *pulls Kyra closer* how about you go and shower and then we can cuddle together

Women football one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora