So it was time for some good ol fashioned hand to hand combat! And again, you owed it all to Akio's inhumane training. Maybe after you beat up all these guys, you should get him a gift basket as thanks? That is if he doesn't beat you up the next time you see him.





"What do you mean the Kukuru unit failed?!" Naobito roared, slamming his balled fists on his desk. He was in a traditionally-decorated meeting room, screen doors firmly shut and a mess of papers sprawled across any available surfaces. Before him stood four bloody and bruised men clad in black, and one poor representative to take on the blame. "Can't you jujutsuless garbage do anything right?!"

They all jolted up at the clan head's frustrations.

"What... what do you want us to do now, Zen'in-sama?" The representative finally voiced, clearing his throat to save himself from whatever shaken mess that was about to leave his lips. Though it only partially worked as his lackluster words were accented by a noticeable crack.

"Nobuaki, You're asking me what to do?" Naobito instantly snapped back. "You're so worthless that you can't figure that out for yourself?! Send in the Hei!"

"B-but Naobit- I-I mean Zen'in-sama," Nobuaki's voice cracked some more past the point of no return, "We can't leave residuals behind! It'll definitely set off an alarm!"


Everyone knew how far his voice must've carried, beyond the screen doors that trapped them in the proximity of the irritable Clan Head. This was the side of the clan head the Zen'ins feared the most, which only came out in unfavorable situations. And the Kukuru Unit's failure was more than unfavorable. "If you can't figure out a plan to bring Y/n L/n here by sundown, I will see to all of your heads being axed. Is that understood?"

Nobuaki nodded, taking in a hard gulp. Without a word more, he and the others silently left the room. But there was someone else left in the room... a taller, slim male with black hair.

"Father." The black haired boy bowed.

"Naoto." The clan head sneered. "Go see to it that Nobuaki doesn't mess this up. We can't afford it."

"Is it really worth it?" Naoto lowered his voice, hoping that his father would do the same. "Even if you get her blood, you'd be making a bigger enemy of Satoru Gojo."

"Once we have her, it won't matter." Naobito scoffed.

"But what if she doesn't want to marry my brother?"

"It won't matter." The Zen'in clan head repeated louder. "All he has to do is get her pregnant. Then she won't be able to leave even if she wants to."

It wasn't in the Zenin boy's place to speak out against the Clan head. Ever since Naoya's inherited his Father's cursed technique, he and his older brother were completely neglected. So where he was in no place to criticize the Clan head, Naoto couldn't even speak to him as his own son.

"... I see." Was all the boy could say as he finally took a step out of the room.


"Satoru?" You grumbled, phone tight in your grasp. Out of all the times you've called him, he decides that now is the time to be too busy to pick up?! Though you've dealt with the intruders for now, who knows just what they're scheming next.

"Satoru," you started to talk as the voicemail beep went off. Your breath was shaky at best, but it was enough for what you needed to say. "There's these guys wearing all black. I think there were three of them? I don't remember, they all ran off after I beat them up. I don't know what they want, but they were trying to kidnap me. Please call me back when you have the chance."

And then you hung up.

You weren't sure how urgent this was, but if you couldn't reach Satoru it was probably a good idea to find someone in the clan to talk to alert about the situation. Luckily for you, as the thought crossed your mind you spotted a familiar figure walking by.

"Miss Kaori!" You exclaimed, nearly tripping over your feet in surprise. You didn't expect to see her, but it was perfect timing. Almost too perfect. "I'm so glad you're here! You see, there's-"

"Y/n dear, why are you out of bed?" She calmly asked, interrupting your burst. She gently extended her hand towards you. "You're still injured. If you need something, you can always ask me."

"I don't need anything," you tried to change the subject back to the urgent matters at hand. "There were these guys... they were all dressed in black. They were after me! I beat them up, but there's something fishy going on, I can feel it."

"Did you hit your head?" She sympathetically pouted, hand dancing over your forehead. Why were her fingertips so cold? "Dear... this is what happens when you leave when you're still recovering. Here, let me help you back to your room."


Before you could protest, a sudden wash of drowsiness overtook you. It caught you off guard, your body swaying to the rhythm of a battle just to keep your eyes awake. But this is a battle you lost, plummeting to the ground in a state of restful bliss.

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