6. "Honey"

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(god even this apology is old,very sorry, dealing with alot but now my Pinterest account got deactivated so i have nothing else to do)

*Kurt continues to search for something, opening several cabinets and checking the fridge before Dave speaks up*

[Dave]: "What'cha lookin' for??"

[Kurt,sighing]: "I can't find the damn honey.."

[Dave,who is already getting up from the couch and walking over to the kitchen]: "Alright, ill find it"

*Dave walks into the kitchen, looking around while Kurt rambles angrily about the honey*

[Kurt,in the middle of ranting]: "Dude! ive searched literally everywhere! it was just he-"

*Kurt gets cutoff by Dave,who is pointing at the honey, which is next to some random spices*

[Dave]: "Honeyy...its right there"

*Kurt turns towards the direction that Dave is pointing before abruptly stopping and turning his head to look at Dave, smirking in a confused yet also slightly Leering while humorous manner*

[Kurt, smirking teasingly]: "what was that??"

[Dave, freezing up with a slight blush on his face]: "Dude you know what i meant!!"

[Kurt, nudging Dave's shoulder playfully]: "eh man, im just teasing.."

[Dave,sighing]: "okay.."

*Dave becomes interested at what Kurt is making*

[Dave, looking around for the other ingredients, seeing the pancake mix,syrup and milk]

[Dave,all the sudden really excited and clapping his hands]: "oooh!! you're making pancakes?!"

[Kurt, nodding awkwardly]: "yeah, why?"

[Dave, getting suddenly self-conscious]: "i uhh- i just like..pancakes"

[Kurt, sensing that he made him upset by his awkward reaction, putting a hand on Dave's shoulder]: "oh dude don't feel bad for that, sorry...me too..*he smirks playfully*..Honey"

[Dave, gasping loudly, his voice raising like a million fucking octaves]: "Really?!!?!!"

*Kurt bursts into laughter, shoving and shaking Dave playfully (yes he's the type that throws anyone near while laughing at least for my fic lolz),which Dave reciprocates causing them both to throw eachother around, laughing way harder than what the joke even called for*

[Dave,whos starting to calm down,leans on a counter yet is still laughing slightly]: "Dude..come on, we have to make the pancakes"

*Kurt slowly stops laughing and walks up to counter adjacent to where Dave is standing, picking up the pancake batter mix box and milk and setting them by an empty space near the stove as Dave just leans back and watches,unsure of how to help*

[Dave]: "You uhhh...want me to help ya with anything..?"

[Kurt, looking behind his shoulder at him]: "oh! uhh...well you probably have better arms than me... could you mix this while i get the stove ready?"

*He points to the bowl of the still very unmixed batter he just made, giving Dave a polite smile*

*Dave nods without another word as he gets up and walks over to the unmixed batter, picking up the wix and aggressively mix the batter*

[Kurt, deflecting the flying drops of batter flying EVERYWHERE with his arms]: "Augh,dude! The batter doesn't have your money,chill!"

*Dave cocks his head to the side and giving him a look of "i dont give a fuck",yet still complies,still mixing with force but being atleast a BIT careful*

*Kurt watches Dave's arms for a few seconds,he was right..he did have better arms,he is a drummer afterall..but anyways he has to stop staring..its.. getting weird*

*Kurt walks over to the stove and turns it on, avoiding touching his sleeves to the stove's eyes intently,which Dave notices*

[Dave, pausing his mixing]: "Why not just..roll up your sleeve..?"

*Kurt nods then goes to roll up his sleeve but jumps ever so slightly and pulls his hand back, deciding not to...he forgot about his track marks*

[Dave, seeing on Kurt's face that something is wrong]: "Hey man,you okay??"

[Kurt, nodding and pulling his arm away from the stove as it heats up]: "yea..yea everything is fine"

"---you almost done with the batter?"

(Cutting this a bit shorter than i wanted to but i dont wanna write right now,yet again im sorry as hell i disappeared for several months😜😋)

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